I'm using the where clause in the openForm method to find the phone number associated with my form. It all works fine. If the phone number is not found, a blank form comes up which is fine, but I'd like to also to have a msg box appear saying, "No contact found." I don't know how to search the fields for a null value. Can I use FindRecord in some sort of condiditonal statement? If so, how?
Here's what I've got. 'phone' is the phone number of the caller that is coming into our phone system so will never be null. Thanks in advance.
phone = WVrCall.RemoteNumber
caller = "[Contact Main Phone] = '" & phone & "'"
oAccess.DoCmd.OpenForm MM_DB_TBLE,acNormal, , caller
Here's what I've got. 'phone' is the phone number of the caller that is coming into our phone system so will never be null. Thanks in advance.
phone = WVrCall.RemoteNumber
caller = "[Contact Main Phone] = '" & phone & "'"
oAccess.DoCmd.OpenForm MM_DB_TBLE,acNormal, , caller