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variables won't pass into code

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Technical User
Sep 26, 2002
I am admittedly new and I apologize for that. I have the following script and am trying to pick up variables that are in the page and feed into the script after reading the array. Fairly simple. Need to read the data from the array into the page. Script will read the array but won't pass the sku and origprice into the array. I am open to ideas and any help from all of you folks...suez

Dim outletPrice(10,2)
outletPrice(0,0) = "515304GS"
outletPrice(0,1) = "We Once Sold This For:"
outletPrice(0,2) = .50
outletPrice(1,0) = "513864JW"
outletPrice(1,1) = "Blown Away Before At:"
outletPrice(1,2) = .50
outletPrice(2,0) = "514471JW"
outletPrice(2,1) = "Originally:"
outletPrice(2,2) = .50
outletPrice(3,0) = "51FJ1483"
outletPrice(3,1) = "Suggested Price:"
outletPrice(3,2) = .50
outletPrice(4,0) = "51FJ1486"
outletPrice(4,1) = "Originally:"
outletPrice(4,2) = .50
outletPrice(5,0) = "51FJ1484"
outletPrice(5,1) = "Retail Price:"
outletPrice(5,2) = .50
outletPrice(6,0) = "513855JW"
outletPrice(6,1) = "Previously Priced at:"
outletPrice(6,2) = .50
outletPrice(7,0) = "513713JW"
outletPrice(7,1) = "Sold Before At:"
outletPrice(7,2) = .50
outletPrice(8,0) = "51FJ1477"
outletPrice(8,1) = "Originally:"
outletPrice(8,2) = .50
outletPrice(9,0) = "51FJ1476"
outletPrice(9,1) = "Retail Price:"
outletPrice(9,2) = .5
outletPrice(10,0) = "51FJ1475"
outletPrice(10,1) = "Previously Priced at:"
outletPrice(10,2) = .50

Dim sku
sku = "51FJ1476"
Dim origPrice
origPrice = "MpbPrice"

For i = LBound(outletPrice) to UBound(outletPrice)
if outletPrice(i,0) = "sku" Then
response.write(&quot;<b>Save Over</b>   &quot; & FormatPercent(outletPrice(i, 2)) & &quot;<br>&quot;)
response.write(outletPrice(i, 1) & origPrice & &quot;<BR>&quot;)
response.write(&quot;Now Only:    &quot; & FormatCurrency((origPrice)*(outletPrice(i, 2))) & &quot;<BR>&quot;)

end if

Hi!! Progress at last and I do appreciate your help.

I have corrected the quotes and a couple of other things and the script is now as follows (same array):

Dim sku
sku = itmno 'with fixed variable (51FJ1475) script works
Dim origPrice
origPrice = itmpri

For i = LBound(outletPrice) to UBound(outletPrice)
if outletPrice(i,0) = sku Then
response.write(&quot;<b>Save Over</b>   &quot; & FormatPercent(outletPrice(i, 2)) & &quot;<br>&quot;)
response.write(outletPrice(i, 1) & FormatCurrency(origPrice) & &quot;<BR>&quot;)
response.write(&quot;Now Only:    &quot; & FormatCurrency((origPrice)*(outletPrice(i, 2))) & &quot;<BR>&quot;)

end if

With 51FJ1475 as a fixed variable, the script read the following:

Save Over 50.00%
Previously Priced at:$6.19
Now Only: $3.10

That is the correct wording for the fixed variable, the correct prices for the item page I drew up (not the 51FJ1475 item. So it is pulling price right.

When I put back sku into the Dim statement (as above) to try and pick up the sku from the page, the script quits working all together.

Any ideas are appreciated, Thanks, Suez

Just a quick note: the script I am trying to pull these variables from is the following:

Dim itmav1
dim mcount

itmedp = trim(trans01.GetValue(&quot;ItemEdp&quot;,0))
imgovr = trim(trans01.GetValue(&quot;ItmImageOvrd&quot;,0))
itmdes = (trans01.GetValue(&quot;ItemDescription&quot;,0))
itmno = (trans01.GetValue(&quot;ItemNo&quot;,0))
itmpri = (trans01.GetValue(&quot;ItemPrice&quot;,0))
regpri = (trans01.GetValue(&quot;ItmMastPrice&quot;,0))
itminv = trim(trans01.GetValue(&quot;ItmAvailableInv&quot;,0))
if itminv > &quot;0&quot; then itmavl = &quot;IN STOCK&quot; else itmavl = &quot;<a href=javascript:popUp2('nostock.htm')>OUT OF STOCK - click for details</a>&quot;

if len(trim(imgovr)) = 0 then
imgovr = itmedp
end if

thePath = &quot;images\&quot; & imgovr & &quot;B.jpg&quot;

Set fs=Server.CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)
If (fs.FileExists(Server.Mappath(thePath)))=false Then
thePic = &quot;images\defaultB.jpg&quot;
thePic = &quot;images\&quot; & imgovr & &quot;B.jpg&quot;
end if
Set fs=nothing

the above does exist on the same page.
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