Crystal 8.5
I am creating a timesheet form based on the scheduled hours our foster grandparents work. They can have flexible schedules. It's the flexible schedules I'm having a problem with. My timesheet section is only picking up the last detail line. I need it to pick up and evaluate every line of detail and place it next to appropriate date and day in the timesheet section of the report.
Example of detail lines return for 1 person.
Scheduled from 9 am to 11 am 2hrs {@ScheduledHrs}
on Mon, Thu
1:30 pm to 4 pm 2.50hrs Mon, Wed
9 am to 12:30pm 3.50 hrs Fri
{@ScheduledHrs} = calculates the total scheduled hours.
Timesheet Setup:
Work Day Date Hrs Scheduled
Monday 08/15/05 4.50 (need to add the afternoon and morning hours together)
Tuesday 08/16/05 (There are no hrs worked this day so this would be blank)
Wednesday 08/17/05 2.50
Thursday 08/18/05 2.00
Friday 08/19/05 3.50
Work hours formula: {@WkHrs3}
if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Monday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Monday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
else if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Tuesday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Tuesday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
else if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Wednesday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Wednesday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
else if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Thursday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Thursday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
else if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Friday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Friday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
A formula was created for each day in the payroll period.
Assistance would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks
I am creating a timesheet form based on the scheduled hours our foster grandparents work. They can have flexible schedules. It's the flexible schedules I'm having a problem with. My timesheet section is only picking up the last detail line. I need it to pick up and evaluate every line of detail and place it next to appropriate date and day in the timesheet section of the report.
Example of detail lines return for 1 person.
Scheduled from 9 am to 11 am 2hrs {@ScheduledHrs}
on Mon, Thu
1:30 pm to 4 pm 2.50hrs Mon, Wed
9 am to 12:30pm 3.50 hrs Fri
{@ScheduledHrs} = calculates the total scheduled hours.
Timesheet Setup:
Work Day Date Hrs Scheduled
Monday 08/15/05 4.50 (need to add the afternoon and morning hours together)
Tuesday 08/16/05 (There are no hrs worked this day so this would be blank)
Wednesday 08/17/05 2.50
Thursday 08/18/05 2.00
Friday 08/19/05 3.50
Work hours formula: {@WkHrs3}
if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Monday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Monday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
else if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Tuesday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Tuesday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
else if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Wednesday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Wednesday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
else if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Thursday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Thursday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
else if {FD__FGP_ClientHours.Friday}="T" and {@DayofWk3}="Friday" then {@ScheduledHrs}
A formula was created for each day in the payroll period.
Assistance would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks