Program Commercial Date Duration
A AC1 1-Jan-01 000155
A AC2 1-Jan-01 000233
A AC3 1-Jan-01 010101
A AC4 1-Jan-01 001015
B BC1 1-Jan-01 000255
B BC2 1-Jan-01 002233
B BC3 1-Jan-01 010051
B BC4 1-Jan-01 001125
A AC1 2-Jan-01 000135
A AC2 2-Jan-01 000200
A AC3 2-Jan-01 010000
A AC4 2-Jan-01 001055
B BC1 2-Jan-01 000355
B BC2 2-Jan-01 002200
B BC3 2-Jan-01 010100
B BC4 2-Jan-01 001000
local stringvar array completetime;
local numbervar totalseconds;
local stringvar a;
a:= (Picture({Sheet1_.Duration}, "xx:xx:xx"));
totalseconds:= (3600*cdbl(completetime[1])) + (60*cdbl(completetime[2]))+(cdbl(completetime[3]));
(Sum ({@IntoInt}))
+ " : " + replace(cstr(floor(({@TotalDuration} mod 3600)/60)),".00","")
+ " : " + replace(cstr(floor({@TotalDuration} mod 60)),".00","")
Above is my data and my formula, the duration in my exel file is string. The Question is When i apply my formula(@SumOfDuration) in my both GF and PF for the subtotal and the grand total, it show only the grand total in both footer. Can any body help or tell me why?
A AC1 1-Jan-01 000155
A AC2 1-Jan-01 000233
A AC3 1-Jan-01 010101
A AC4 1-Jan-01 001015
B BC1 1-Jan-01 000255
B BC2 1-Jan-01 002233
B BC3 1-Jan-01 010051
B BC4 1-Jan-01 001125
A AC1 2-Jan-01 000135
A AC2 2-Jan-01 000200
A AC3 2-Jan-01 010000
A AC4 2-Jan-01 001055
B BC1 2-Jan-01 000355
B BC2 2-Jan-01 002200
B BC3 2-Jan-01 010100
B BC4 2-Jan-01 001000
local stringvar array completetime;
local numbervar totalseconds;
local stringvar a;
a:= (Picture({Sheet1_.Duration}, "xx:xx:xx"));
totalseconds:= (3600*cdbl(completetime[1])) + (60*cdbl(completetime[2]))+(cdbl(completetime[3]));
(Sum ({@IntoInt}))
+ " : " + replace(cstr(floor(({@TotalDuration} mod 3600)/60)),".00","")
+ " : " + replace(cstr(floor({@TotalDuration} mod 60)),".00","")
Above is my data and my formula, the duration in my exel file is string. The Question is When i apply my formula(@SumOfDuration) in my both GF and PF for the subtotal and the grand total, it show only the grand total in both footer. Can any body help or tell me why?