I am presently using a formula to calculate -45 days from a date and using this formula to create the Group and formatting the group to show mmm-yy. My problem is that it is sorting the group by acsending order instead of by month order. The numbers are coming out correctly. I do not have the option thru "Change Group Option" to sort by each month, each day etc. as you would normally if you used a date field for the group.
I also tried to use "In specified order" in "Change Group Option" but really dont know where to go from there even if that will solve the problem.
So now my data is coming out like:
Date Amount
------- --------
Apr-06 763.99
Feb-06 234.29
Jul-06 223.23
Jun-06 136.54
May-06 232.87
Need to be:
Date Amount
------- --------
Feb-06 234.29
Apr-06 763.99
May-06 232.87
Jun-06 136.54
Jul-06 223.23
Any ideas?
I also tried to use "In specified order" in "Change Group Option" but really dont know where to go from there even if that will solve the problem.
if {POP10110.PRMDATE} <> CDateTime (1900, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00)
then (totext(DateAdd ("d", -44, {POP10110.PRMDATE}),"MMM-yy"))
else "None"
So now my data is coming out like:
Date Amount
------- --------
Apr-06 763.99
Feb-06 234.29
Jul-06 223.23
Jun-06 136.54
May-06 232.87
Need to be:
Date Amount
------- --------
Feb-06 234.29
Apr-06 763.99
May-06 232.87
Jun-06 136.54
Jul-06 223.23
Any ideas?