Technical User
Hello everyone.
So I have small problem. I have 2 users that have a need to run DOS commands, however our lockdowns don't allow this to happen.
The 1st user needs to ping an IP address before he can carry out a job. Ive cobbled together the following from the web.
Option Explicit
Dim Shell, strCommand, strHost, strUserIn, ReturnCode
Dim Message, result
Dim Title, Text1
'Message Box Variables.
Message = "Please enter the address you wish to ping"
Title = "PingPong, K.I.S.S."
Text1 = "User abort"
'Text2 = "You entered:" & vbCrLf
result = InputBox(Message, Title, "", 8000, 6000)
'Evaluate the user input.
If result = "" Then ' Canceled by the user
WScript.Echo Text1
'WScript.Echo Text2 & result
strHost = vbCrLf
'Create shell object
Set Shell = wscript.createObject("wscript.shell")
'What to run in command line
strCommand = "ping -n 1 -w 10 " & strHost
'Run command and get return code
ReturnCode = Shell.Run(strCommand, 0, True)
'0 = pingable, 1 = no response
If ReturnCode = 0 Then
wscript.echo strHost & " pingable"
wscript.echo strHost & " not pingable"
'End If
End If
End If
Running this should ask for the address to be pinged then nreturn a popup if its pingable. I can get it to take an IP address, but it wont return a result.
The 2nd user is a nightmare. He needs to use DOS to run the DIR command with a few switches and return the result to a text file. This VBS script should take his command as he types it and complete it for him.
Any pointers??? this is causing me a nightmare as they are asking for full admin rights to do this. By the way this is all running on NT4 ang Win2k boxes.
Any help would be grand.
So I have small problem. I have 2 users that have a need to run DOS commands, however our lockdowns don't allow this to happen.
The 1st user needs to ping an IP address before he can carry out a job. Ive cobbled together the following from the web.
Option Explicit
Dim Shell, strCommand, strHost, strUserIn, ReturnCode
Dim Message, result
Dim Title, Text1
'Message Box Variables.
Message = "Please enter the address you wish to ping"
Title = "PingPong, K.I.S.S."
Text1 = "User abort"
'Text2 = "You entered:" & vbCrLf
result = InputBox(Message, Title, "", 8000, 6000)
'Evaluate the user input.
If result = "" Then ' Canceled by the user
WScript.Echo Text1
'WScript.Echo Text2 & result
strHost = vbCrLf
'Create shell object
Set Shell = wscript.createObject("wscript.shell")
'What to run in command line
strCommand = "ping -n 1 -w 10 " & strHost
'Run command and get return code
ReturnCode = Shell.Run(strCommand, 0, True)
'0 = pingable, 1 = no response
If ReturnCode = 0 Then
wscript.echo strHost & " pingable"
wscript.echo strHost & " not pingable"
'End If
End If
End If
Running this should ask for the address to be pinged then nreturn a popup if its pingable. I can get it to take an IP address, but it wont return a result.
The 2nd user is a nightmare. He needs to use DOS to run the DIR command with a few switches and return the result to a text file. This VBS script should take his command as he types it and complete it for him.
Any pointers??? this is causing me a nightmare as they are asking for full admin rights to do this. By the way this is all running on NT4 ang Win2k boxes.
Any help would be grand.