Are you making sure you wait for each file to finish downloading before you give an instruction to the control to download another?<br>
Mike <p>Mike Lacey<br><a href=mailto:Mike_Lacey@Cargill.Com>Mike_Lacey@Cargill.Com</a><br><a href=
Not exactly. The reason is because of requestimeout error. I changed the code using the Inet_Statechanged event to download per 1024 bytes. I am left in a wait state. could you help?
the code below is in the inet1_Statechanged event. Can you take a look at it.<br>
private sub Inet1_StateChanged(Byval State as Integer)<br>
Dim bDone As Boolean<br>
Dim vByte() As Byte<br>
Dim bytAppend() As Byte<br>
Dim intFileNum As Integer<br>
select case <br>
case icError<br>
case icResponseCompleted<br>
vByte() = Inet1.GetChunk(1024, icByteArray)<br>
Do While Not bDone<br>
'bytAppend = vByte<br>
vByte() = Inet1.GetChunk(1024, icByteArray)<br>
If UBound(vByte()) = 0 Then<br>
bDone = True<br>
End If<br>
intFileNum = FreeFile<br>
Open (Trim$(strDownloadFile)) For Binary As #intFileNum<br>
Put #intFileNum, , vByte()<br>
Close #intFileNum<br>
end select<br>
end sub
Your code looks ok - pretty close to stuff in VB Books Online (and pretty close to mine therefore)<br>
If I get a timeout error - i retry the operation<br>
on error resume next<br>
do <br>
Call something_that_might_fail<br>
while err<>0<br>
good idea to put a count in there as well - you don't want it to go on forever if it can't get a good connection<br>
<p>Mike Lacey<br><a href=mailto:Mike_Lacey@Cargill.Com>Mike_Lacey@Cargill.Com</a><br><a href=
I am already dealing with the timeout error by setting the Inet requestimeout property to infinity (0). The problem is when I save the few binary chunks of data to file for some reasons it's not saving all of them. It is saving a portion of the file.<br>
I think the code is okay. But with regards to the books online (with regards to dealing with strings) it looks something like this.<br>
data = Inet.Getchunk(1024, icString)<br>
while not bDone<br>
'Here it is right here, how do I add the next portion <br>
'to the byteArray, Do I use MS array functions like<br>
'redim (and if so - to what). I hope I'm making myself<br>
'a bit clear here. Other applications have a way of pushing<br>
'elements at the end of an array. Does VB have this 'capability.<br>
str = str & data<br>
data = Inet.Getchunk(1024,icString)<br>
while inet.stillexecuting<br>
if bDone = true then exit sub<br>
'Exit Statechanged event
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