I've put together the following query, but it has been unsuccessful running it so far.
I'm trying to grab values from the column, "No_" in the Bmis.. database then only select data from the Contractors database if the VendorNo column holds one of the values grabbed from the Bmis.. database. I think my syntax is just completely wrong but hopefully someone might pick up on my mistakes. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I've put together the following query, but it has been unsuccessful running it so far.
select * from Contractors.dbo.Contacts
where VendorNo in (select No_ from [BMIS Live Database].dbo.[BMIS Live Database$Vendor] where [Name] like '%of%')
I'm trying to grab values from the column, "No_" in the Bmis.. database then only select data from the Contractors database if the VendorNo column holds one of the values grabbed from the Bmis.. database. I think my syntax is just completely wrong but hopefully someone might pick up on my mistakes. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!