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Using script code as a string

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Jun 20, 2001
Hi all,

I'm looking to use the following script block as a string in a subroutine:

<!-- XML content starts here -->
Dim strFileName
strFileName = Request.QueryString(&quot;filename&quot;)

' Load the XML document
Set source = Server.CreateObject(&quot;Microsoft.XMLDOM&quot;)
source.async = false
source.load(Server.MapPath(&quot;&quot; & strFileName & &quot;.xml&quot;))

' Load the XSL stylesheet
Set style = Server.CreateObject(&quot;Microsoft.XMLDOM&quot;)
style.async = false

' Write out the page contents
<!-- XML content ends here -->
<!--#include file=&quot;footer.asp&quot;-->


What I'd like to do is be able to insert that exact script so that it will be executed in the following SUB:

Sub CreateNewASP

Dim FSO, strFileName
strFileName = Request.QueryString(&quot;FILENAME&quot;)
Set FSO = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
Set newStory = FSO.CreateTextFile(&quot;c:\inetpub\ & strFileName & &quot;.asp&quot;, False)

End Sub


Got any ideas...or better way to do this? I'm trying to develop an automated method for writing files on my server using ASP/XML/XSL.
This is what I use in code to write code.
' Module level
Private maryProg()          
Private mlngNxt             
Redim maryProg(0)
' Use single quote as double quote
Addstring 4,&quot;strFileName = Request.QueryString('filename')&quot;
AddString .......
ReDim Preserve maryProg(mlngNxt - 1) ' Resize
if lngNxt >= 0 then
    newStory.Write Join(maryProg, vbCrLf)
End if

Private Sub AddString(ByVal lngSpaces, strIn)
    If mlngNxt > UBound(maryProg) Then
        ReDim Preserve maryProg(mlngNxt + 20)
    End If
    maryProg(mlngNxt) = Space(lngSpaces) & _
    mlngNxt = mlngNxt + 1
End Sub
Can you express this in VBScript? I don't really know VB syntax, and this is for a Web app.

Oops! Guess that shows hos much I know about programming. I actually did it in another fashion in a few minutes....the code doesn't need to be reusable so it's OK that the scriptblock is so long.


<% @ Language = VBScript %>

Sub CreateNewASP

' Dim FSO, strFileName
strFileName = Request.QueryString(&quot;filename&quot;)
Set FSO = CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)
Set newStory = FSO.CreateTextFile(&quot;c:\inetpub\ & strFileName & &quot;.asp&quot;, True)
newStory.Write(&quot;<!-- XML content starts here -->&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;<%&quot; & vbcrlf)
newStory.Write(&quot;' Load the XML document&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;Set source = Server.CreateObject(&quot;)
newStory.Write(Chr(34) & &quot;Microsoft.XMLDOM&quot;)
newStory.Write(Chr(34)& &quot;)&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;source.async = false&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;source.load(Server.MapPath(&quot;)
newStory.Write(Chr(34) & strFileName)
newStory.Write(Chr(34) & &quot;)&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & vbcrlf)
newStory.Write(&quot;' Load the XSL stylesheet&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;Set style = Server.CreateObject(&quot;)
newStory.Write(Chr(34) & &quot;Microsoft.XMLDOM&quot;)
newStory.Write(Chr(34) & &quot;)&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;style.async = false&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;style.load(Server.MapPath(&quot;)
newStory.Write(Chr(34) & &quot;news-article.xsl&quot;)
newStory.Write(Chr(34) & &quot;)&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & vbcrlf)
newStory.Write(&quot;' Write out the page contents&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;Response.Write(source.transformNode(style))&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;%&quot; & &quot;>&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;<!-- XML content ends here -->&quot;)
newStory.Write(vbcrlf & &quot;<!--#include file=&quot;)
newStory.Write(Chr(34) & &quot;footer.asp&quot; & Chr(34))

End Sub

Call CreateNewASP
I see you handled the &quot;%&quot; & &quot;>&quot; where I would have had &quot;%>&quot; causing a problem. My code came from VB code writng VB Code. I just removed the As type e,g As String. But I think I'll use &quot;<Script>&quot; and </Script> instead of &quot;%&quot; & &quot;>&quot;.
Yeah...I'm doing everything server-side without much cross-scripting action...not mixing VBScript with JScript, so it works.

It came in handy for a publishing system I'm building because of the small fize sizes...each page contains only script code and gets rendered really fast.

That mixup with the VBScript script delimiter (&quot;%>&quot;) expressed as &quot;%&quot; & &quot;>&quot; was something I found only after debugging and tweaking.

Thanks for your awesome help...I solved it witha variation on a theme, but your input pointed me in the right direction!

Thanks. Not to drag it out but I DID mean <Script RunAtServer> </Script>. You don't HAVE to use &quot;<%&quot;. It is just short hand when ASP and HTML are all intermingled.
<Script> Blocks might &quot;clean up&quot; some code. Think about a SUB and use ^ for &quot; to get rid of Chr(34). The Sub can at least add the Vbcrlf.
From the MSDN.
When you write server script in an .asp file, you distinguish it from other text (including client script) in one of two ways: 

Within the delimiters <% and %>. Any text between these two tags is processed as inline server script by IIS. The <% %> delimiters are often used to enclose expressions that are evaluated and inserted into the HTML text of a page. For example, the following server script displays the current time on a page:
<% response.write time %>

In a <SCRIPT> tag (as with client scripts), but with the RUNAT=SERVER property, which is used to enclose stand-alone procedures such as functions and subroutines. The following example shows the RUNAT property:
   Function GetDate
      [some script lines here]
   End Function
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