I'm trying to retreive from a cookies collection and pass each value into a variable, an array called strCookie().
when I redim the array inside a for next loop, I get this error....
Error Type:
Sun ONE ASP VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch
the code is....
dim iCount
dim objRS
dim objConn
dim strConnectionString
dim strCookie()
For iCount = 1 To Request.Form("menu").count
Response.Cookies("menu" & " " & iCount & " ") = Request.Form("menu")(iCount)
'Loop through each Cookie
For Each x in Request.Cookies(x)
redim strCookie(x) 'this is the line the error refers to..
strCookie(x) = Request.cookies(x)
response.write strCookie(x)
when I redim the array inside a for next loop, I get this error....
Error Type:
Sun ONE ASP VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch
the code is....
dim iCount
dim objRS
dim objConn
dim strConnectionString
dim strCookie()
For iCount = 1 To Request.Form("menu").count
Response.Cookies("menu" & " " & iCount & " ") = Request.Form("menu")(iCount)
'Loop through each Cookie
For Each x in Request.Cookies(x)
redim strCookie(x) 'this is the line the error refers to..
strCookie(x) = Request.cookies(x)
response.write strCookie(x)