I am having a problem with on of my recordsets. For some reason Access thinks there are no records in the Recordset, but when I open the query that the recordset is based on there are 4,000 plus records. Here is my Coding.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response, stbName, dtbName, FileName, SpecName, TransType
Dim dbType, SFName, DFName, strSQL As String, rst As ADODB.Recordset, jc As String
Dim interval As Integer, stime, CNN As ADODB.Connection
Sub GetDataIntercos()
On Error GoTo Err_GetDataIntercos
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
rst.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Turns off System Warnings
Call ImportBKPF
'Runs the Programing to Import the BKPF Text File
Call ImportIntercos
'Runs the Programing to Import the Intercos Text File
Set rst = Nothing
'Clears the value of rst
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Turns on System Warnings
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
'Displays the error message
Resume Exit_GetDataIntercos
'Runs the Exit procedures
End Sub
Sub ImportBKPF()
On Error GoTo Err_ImportBKPF
strSQL = "SELECT tblBkpf.* " _
& "FROM TextFileBkpf INNER JOIN tblBkpf ON (TextFileBkpf.DocType = " _
& "tblBkpf.DocType) AND (TextFileBkpf.Year = tblBkpf.Year) AND " _
& "(TextFileBkpf.Docno = tblBkpf.Docno) AND " _
& "(TextFileBkpf.CoCd = tblBkpf.CoCd)"
rst.Open strSQL
'Opens the record set
If AreThereRecords(rst) = True Then
'Tests to see if the text file has already been imported
Msg = "Some or all of the data in C:\temp\BKPF.txt has already been Imported " _
& "to tblBKPF. BKPF.txt will not be imported. Please be sure you " _
& "exported the Correct Period of data from SAP. If you need to replace " _
& "the exsisting data, please delete it from the tblBKPF table and then " _
& "run this program."
'Sets the message to the user
Title = "Data in BKPF.TXT Already exists"
'Sets the Title of the message
Style = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
'Sets the tone and type of message
MsgBox Msg, Style, Title
'Send the message to the user
'Closes the Record Set
GoTo Exit_ImportBKPF
'Exits BKPF Portion of the Get Data
End If
'Closes the Record Set
FileName = "C:\Temp\bkpf.txt"
'Sets the File Name for the Import
SpecName = "Bkpf Import Specification"
'Sets the Specifications for the import
dtbName = "tblbkpf"
'Sets the table to be imported into
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, SpecName, dtbName, FileName, False
'Adds the data in the BKPF Text file to the tblBKPF Table
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
'Displays the error message
Resume Exit_ImportBKPF
'Runs the Exit procedures
End Sub
Sub ImportIntercos()
On Error GoTo Err_ImportIntercos
strSQL = "SELECT tblIntercos.* " _
& "FROM TextFileIntercos INNER JOIN tblIntercos ON (TextFileIntercos.Type = " _
& "tblIntercos.Type) AND (TextFileIntercos.Year = tblIntercos.Year) AND " _
& "(TextFileIntercos.Docno = tblIntercos.Docno) AND " _
& "(TextFileIntercos.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd)"
rst.Open strSQL
'Opens the record set
If AreThereRecords(rst) = True Then
'Tests to see if the text file has already been imported
Msg = "Some or all of the data in C:\temp\Intercos.txt has already been Imported " _
& "to tblIntercos. Intercos.txt will not be imported. Please be sure you " _
& "exported the Correct Period of data from SAP. If you need to replace " _
& "the exsisting data, please delete it from the tblIntercos table and then " _
& "run this program."
'Sets the message to the user
Title = "Data in Intercos.TXT Already exists"
'Sets the Title of the message
Style = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
'Sets the tone and type of message
MsgBox Msg, Style, Title
'Stores the response from the user
GoTo Exit_ImportIntercos
'Exits Intercos Portion of the Get Data
'Closes the Record Set
End If
'Closes the Record Set
FileName = "C:\Temp\Intercos.txt"
'Sets the File Name for the Import
SpecName = "Intercos Import Specification"
'Sets the Specifications for the import
dtbName = "tblIntercos"
'Sets the table to be imported into
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, SpecName, dtbName, FileName, False
'Adds the Data in the Interco text file to the tblIntercos Table
strSQL = "DELETE tblIntercos.*, tblIntercos.Account " _
& "FROM tblIntercos " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.Account) Is Null))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Deletes the Blank Rows
strSQL = "UPDATE tblBkpf INNER JOIN tblIntercos ON (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) AND (tblBkpf.Docno = tblIntercos.Docno) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.DocType = tblIntercos.Type) " _
& "SET tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber] = tblBkpf![Cross-CCnumber] " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber]) Is Null) AND ((tblIntercos.Cleared)=False))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Adds the Cross Company Doc number to the tblIntercos Table
strSQL = "UPDATE tblBkpf INNER JOIN tblIntercos ON (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) AND (tblBkpf.DocType = tblIntercos.Type) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.Docno = tblIntercos.Docno) AND (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) " _
& "SET tblIntercos.Revwith = [tblBkpf]![Revwith] " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.Revwith) Is Null) And ((tblBkpf.Revwith) Is Not Null) " _
& "And ((tblIntercos.Cleared) = False))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Adds Revesed With Doc number to the tblIntercos Table
strSQL = "UPDATE tblBkpf INNER JOIN tblIntercos ON (tblBkpf.Docno = tblIntercos.Revwith) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) AND (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) AND (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) " _
& "SET tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber] = tblBkpf![Cross-CCnumber] " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber]) Is Null) AND ((tblIntercos.Cleared)=False))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Adds the Cross Company Doc number to the tblIntercos Table for Reversal Docs
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.IntercoPartner = IIf(IsNull" _
& "(tblIntercos!Vendor),Right(tblIntercos!Customer,4),Right(tblIntercos!Vendor,4)) " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.IntercoPartner) Is Null))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Adds the Interco Partner to the tblIntercos Table
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryCrossCompanyDocBal"
'Opens Query as a record set
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.Cleared = True " _
& "WHERE(((tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber]) = '" & rst("CrossCCnumber") & "'))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Clears the Interco Transactions that have a Zero Balance
'Moves to the next Record
'Closes Record set
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryItemswithTextBal"
'Opens Query for Print out
'Prints Query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryItemswithTextBal", acSaveNo
'Closes Query
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryItemswithTextBal"
'Opens Query as a record set
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.Cleared = True " _
& "WHERE(((tblIntercos.Text) = '" & rst("Text") & "'))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Clears the Items that have Text and a Zero Balance
'Moves to the next Record
'Closes Record set
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryPeriodBalances"
'Opens Query for Print out
'Prints Query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryPeriodBalances", acSaveNo
'Closes Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCurrentBalance"
'Opens Query for Print out
'Prints Query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryCurrentBalance", acSaveNo
'Closes Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QryIntercoBalancing"
'Opens Query for Print out
'Prints Query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "QryIntercoBalancing", acSaveNo
'Closes Query
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryDirectPurchInvoices"
'Opens Query as a record set
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.Cleared = True " _
& "WHERE(((tblIntercos.Reference) = '" & rst("Reference") & "'))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Clears the KA Doc matches a DP Invoice and a Zero Balance
'Moves to the next Record
'Closes Record set
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUncleared"
'Opens Uncleared Items Query for Review
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
'Displays the error message
Resume Exit_ImportIntercos
'Runs the Exit procedures
End Sub
Function AreThereRecords(rstAny As Recordset) As Boolean
AreThereRecords = rstAny.RecordCount
End Function
The part that is causing the problem is this
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryDirectPurchInvoices"
'Opens Query as a record set
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.Cleared = True " _
& "WHERE(((tblIntercos.Reference) = '" & rst("Reference") & "'))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Clears the KA Doc matches a DP Invoice and a Zero Balance
'Moves to the next Record
'Closes Record set
All the other Recordset calls are working just fine. I am using Access XP.
Does anyone have any Ideas?
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response, stbName, dtbName, FileName, SpecName, TransType
Dim dbType, SFName, DFName, strSQL As String, rst As ADODB.Recordset, jc As String
Dim interval As Integer, stime, CNN As ADODB.Connection
Sub GetDataIntercos()
On Error GoTo Err_GetDataIntercos
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
rst.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Turns off System Warnings
Call ImportBKPF
'Runs the Programing to Import the BKPF Text File
Call ImportIntercos
'Runs the Programing to Import the Intercos Text File
Set rst = Nothing
'Clears the value of rst
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Turns on System Warnings
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
'Displays the error message
Resume Exit_GetDataIntercos
'Runs the Exit procedures
End Sub
Sub ImportBKPF()
On Error GoTo Err_ImportBKPF
strSQL = "SELECT tblBkpf.* " _
& "FROM TextFileBkpf INNER JOIN tblBkpf ON (TextFileBkpf.DocType = " _
& "tblBkpf.DocType) AND (TextFileBkpf.Year = tblBkpf.Year) AND " _
& "(TextFileBkpf.Docno = tblBkpf.Docno) AND " _
& "(TextFileBkpf.CoCd = tblBkpf.CoCd)"
rst.Open strSQL
'Opens the record set
If AreThereRecords(rst) = True Then
'Tests to see if the text file has already been imported
Msg = "Some or all of the data in C:\temp\BKPF.txt has already been Imported " _
& "to tblBKPF. BKPF.txt will not be imported. Please be sure you " _
& "exported the Correct Period of data from SAP. If you need to replace " _
& "the exsisting data, please delete it from the tblBKPF table and then " _
& "run this program."
'Sets the message to the user
Title = "Data in BKPF.TXT Already exists"
'Sets the Title of the message
Style = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
'Sets the tone and type of message
MsgBox Msg, Style, Title
'Send the message to the user
'Closes the Record Set
GoTo Exit_ImportBKPF
'Exits BKPF Portion of the Get Data
End If
'Closes the Record Set
FileName = "C:\Temp\bkpf.txt"
'Sets the File Name for the Import
SpecName = "Bkpf Import Specification"
'Sets the Specifications for the import
dtbName = "tblbkpf"
'Sets the table to be imported into
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, SpecName, dtbName, FileName, False
'Adds the data in the BKPF Text file to the tblBKPF Table
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
'Displays the error message
Resume Exit_ImportBKPF
'Runs the Exit procedures
End Sub
Sub ImportIntercos()
On Error GoTo Err_ImportIntercos
strSQL = "SELECT tblIntercos.* " _
& "FROM TextFileIntercos INNER JOIN tblIntercos ON (TextFileIntercos.Type = " _
& "tblIntercos.Type) AND (TextFileIntercos.Year = tblIntercos.Year) AND " _
& "(TextFileIntercos.Docno = tblIntercos.Docno) AND " _
& "(TextFileIntercos.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd)"
rst.Open strSQL
'Opens the record set
If AreThereRecords(rst) = True Then
'Tests to see if the text file has already been imported
Msg = "Some or all of the data in C:\temp\Intercos.txt has already been Imported " _
& "to tblIntercos. Intercos.txt will not be imported. Please be sure you " _
& "exported the Correct Period of data from SAP. If you need to replace " _
& "the exsisting data, please delete it from the tblIntercos table and then " _
& "run this program."
'Sets the message to the user
Title = "Data in Intercos.TXT Already exists"
'Sets the Title of the message
Style = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
'Sets the tone and type of message
MsgBox Msg, Style, Title
'Stores the response from the user
GoTo Exit_ImportIntercos
'Exits Intercos Portion of the Get Data
'Closes the Record Set
End If
'Closes the Record Set
FileName = "C:\Temp\Intercos.txt"
'Sets the File Name for the Import
SpecName = "Intercos Import Specification"
'Sets the Specifications for the import
dtbName = "tblIntercos"
'Sets the table to be imported into
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, SpecName, dtbName, FileName, False
'Adds the Data in the Interco text file to the tblIntercos Table
strSQL = "DELETE tblIntercos.*, tblIntercos.Account " _
& "FROM tblIntercos " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.Account) Is Null))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Deletes the Blank Rows
strSQL = "UPDATE tblBkpf INNER JOIN tblIntercos ON (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) AND (tblBkpf.Docno = tblIntercos.Docno) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.DocType = tblIntercos.Type) " _
& "SET tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber] = tblBkpf![Cross-CCnumber] " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber]) Is Null) AND ((tblIntercos.Cleared)=False))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Adds the Cross Company Doc number to the tblIntercos Table
strSQL = "UPDATE tblBkpf INNER JOIN tblIntercos ON (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) AND (tblBkpf.DocType = tblIntercos.Type) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.Docno = tblIntercos.Docno) AND (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) " _
& "SET tblIntercos.Revwith = [tblBkpf]![Revwith] " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.Revwith) Is Null) And ((tblBkpf.Revwith) Is Not Null) " _
& "And ((tblIntercos.Cleared) = False))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Adds Revesed With Doc number to the tblIntercos Table
strSQL = "UPDATE tblBkpf INNER JOIN tblIntercos ON (tblBkpf.Docno = tblIntercos.Revwith) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) AND (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) " _
& "AND (tblBkpf.Year = tblIntercos.Year) AND (tblBkpf.CoCd = tblIntercos.CoCd) " _
& "SET tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber] = tblBkpf![Cross-CCnumber] " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber]) Is Null) AND ((tblIntercos.Cleared)=False))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Adds the Cross Company Doc number to the tblIntercos Table for Reversal Docs
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.IntercoPartner = IIf(IsNull" _
& "(tblIntercos!Vendor),Right(tblIntercos!Customer,4),Right(tblIntercos!Vendor,4)) " _
& "WHERE (((tblIntercos.IntercoPartner) Is Null))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Adds the Interco Partner to the tblIntercos Table
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryCrossCompanyDocBal"
'Opens Query as a record set
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.Cleared = True " _
& "WHERE(((tblIntercos.[Cross-CCnumber]) = '" & rst("CrossCCnumber") & "'))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Clears the Interco Transactions that have a Zero Balance
'Moves to the next Record
'Closes Record set
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryItemswithTextBal"
'Opens Query for Print out
'Prints Query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryItemswithTextBal", acSaveNo
'Closes Query
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryItemswithTextBal"
'Opens Query as a record set
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.Cleared = True " _
& "WHERE(((tblIntercos.Text) = '" & rst("Text") & "'))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Clears the Items that have Text and a Zero Balance
'Moves to the next Record
'Closes Record set
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryPeriodBalances"
'Opens Query for Print out
'Prints Query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryPeriodBalances", acSaveNo
'Closes Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCurrentBalance"
'Opens Query for Print out
'Prints Query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryCurrentBalance", acSaveNo
'Closes Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QryIntercoBalancing"
'Opens Query for Print out
'Prints Query
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "QryIntercoBalancing", acSaveNo
'Closes Query
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryDirectPurchInvoices"
'Opens Query as a record set
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.Cleared = True " _
& "WHERE(((tblIntercos.Reference) = '" & rst("Reference") & "'))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Clears the KA Doc matches a DP Invoice and a Zero Balance
'Moves to the next Record
'Closes Record set
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUncleared"
'Opens Uncleared Items Query for Review
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
'Displays the error message
Resume Exit_ImportIntercos
'Runs the Exit procedures
End Sub
Function AreThereRecords(rstAny As Recordset) As Boolean
AreThereRecords = rstAny.RecordCount
End Function
The part that is causing the problem is this
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryDirectPurchInvoices"
'Opens Query as a record set
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL = "UPDATE tblIntercos SET tblIntercos.Cleared = True " _
& "WHERE(((tblIntercos.Reference) = '" & rst("Reference") & "'))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
'Clears the KA Doc matches a DP Invoice and a Zero Balance
'Moves to the next Record
'Closes Record set
All the other Recordset calls are working just fine. I am using Access XP.
Does anyone have any Ideas?