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using phpPgAdmin

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Jun 15, 1999
1) I am testing out phpPgAdmin version 2.4.2 on a new linux server. We previously have been using 2.4-1 our current production server. With this new release I have found that on my left pane, the drop down entries for System Tables, All Databases open up with their entries already expanded, but the '+' still displays on the root entry. I also am unable to condense the display to just the root entries when I click on the '+'. Has anyone else had experience with this new release and seen this pro9blem?. This is a new linux server implementation accessing a new postgres release (7.2.3) from what our current server is using (7.1.3).

2) Unrelated to the new release. As I understand it, the data displayed for System Tables is based on the default database defined in the configuration. How would I be able to dynamically change the database those tables point to, so that I could easily see the system information for any number of databases I have defined. As I understand it, each database has its own distinct set of system tables defined to it.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi arewehavingfunyet,

In your phpPgAdmin there is a file named config.inc.php. Use your editor to open this file an set the variables in this file to achieve your desired configuration.

So far as I'm aware, there is only one set of System Catalog/Tables. The content of these tables can be display via SQL, or you can configure phpPgAdmin via the config.inc.php file to display the system table. Then you can use phpPgAdmin front-end to list/browse/edit these tables.

Hope this helps.

LelandJ Leland F. Jackson, CPA
Software - Master (TM)
Nothing Runs Like the Fox
I have experienced this problem of the "+" sign refusing to
open up. This was because this is written in Javascript. This refused to work in Konqueror.
You should try to check the phpPgAdmin using Netscape. It works perfectly when I accessed it using Netscape 7(on a windows machine ) or using netscape 4.7 in Linux.
Also I had read that this could be because of ownership problems.
Type chown postgres.postgres /var/lib/pgsql/data
or wherever file your postgresql setup is
In response to Leland's point, I have found that a unique set of catalog system tables exist for each database in a cluster. Catalog creation for each is defined using template1 unless otherwise overridden. However there are global catalog objects that exists across all databases and exist in a 'global' directory. PGAdmin points to the system tables for the 'default' database as defined in the config files. Unless this has changed in the newest release, this is the behavior I have been seeing, since I have multiple databases defined to postgres.

In response to newbiepg, it was a good idea to try netscape, however we only have 2 workstations enabled with it, and for some reason when I went to access the index.php address the left pane had a message that it could not find the module left.js, but did show the main pane. Javascript was fully enabled in netscape, so I don't know what is going on there. I also tested v6 of IE (windows) since I was running IE 5.5 (windows) when I noticed the problem. Same problems existed. My IE is fully javascript enabled. I don't think it is ownership since I see the expanded list of tables and can read them. It is probably a browser issue. It is more an annoyance than anything else.

Again much appreciate your comments!
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