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Using NOT or <> in a query

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I want to write a select statement in my code that will count records that [/b]DO NOT[/B] equal a given value. The report that I'm using does not produce the expected results and I can't figure out why. It appears that the query may be ignoring empty fields. The select statement below contains the problem code in bold print:

"SELECT SUM([Accident Data].[TNOI]) AS Injuries
FROM [Accident Data]
HAVING ((([Accident Data].Date) Between EVAL('[forms]![DiagInfo].BegDate') And EVAL('[forms]![DiagInfo].EndDate')) AND (([Accident Data].[LC Code]) Between 1 AND 3) AND ((([Accident Data].[CD Code]) <> 'PED')) AND (([Accident Data].[StreetNo1])=EVAL('Forms!DiagInfo.[Road1]')) AND (([Accident Data].[StreetNo2])=EVAL('Forms!DiagInfo.Road2')))&quot;)


Yo need to search for Null columns explicitely.

[Accident Data].[CD Code] Is Null Or [Accident Data].[CD Code] <> 'PED' Terry

People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. -Peter Drucker
but i think you want NOT is null ...

since null is 'unknown' it MAY be <> 'PED&quot; and thus should be included innthe total?


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
Change your code like this and the value you are evaluating will never be null!

([Accident Data].[CD Code] & &quot;&quot;)

NULL is neither equal to nor not equal to any specific value because NULL really defines a state rather than a value.

NULLs won't be selected when the only criteria in this example is <> &quot;PED&quot;. However, if you want NULLs included in the result set, the criteria must be IS NULL rather than NOT IS NULL.

Larryboybird makes a good point, also, and provides another method. Terry

People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. -Peter Drucker
How about looking at the help for the Nz()Function, it converts Null or zero length strings to 0
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