I was testing the ability for use of a Quantum 18GB drive to use as a replacement for a defunct drive in my Netfinity 5000, setup RAID5 with 5 IBM 18 GB drives (all active, no hot spare). The quantum is a bit bigger than the IBMs (17521 vs 17357MB) but when I attempt to rebuild with the Quanum, I get a "non-warranted drive" msg but the drive is tagged "Rebuilding", with the drive status LED flashing but no activity, no rebuild status in the lower right corner and when left overnight, has not completed being rebuilt. The RAID seems OK using the Quantum as a stand alone drive (I still get a "non-warranted drive" msg, but it works fine). I have another IBM drive that works fine as a replacement, but would like a backup just in case. Is the RAID controller this picky? Thanks!