Hi, we recently had an upgrade in our office and Corel was reinstalled.
We are part of a testing laboratory so we compile and type test reports often. Because of this, one of our former empolyees set up templates of our test reports using merge. It works this way: open Corel, press "enter" and "F9" simultaneously and a dialogue box appears with three options, "Create Data," "Create Document," or "Perform Merge". Pressing the "m" key (For perform Merge) brings up another dialogue box with options for what document/template to merge. After browsing for correct test report template to use pressing "enter" brings it up.
At each step of the test report which needs information entered, doing so then pressing "F9" takes the cursor to the next area for information to be entered. Our reports can be very long and complicated so this is, as you can imagine, quite handy.
Except . . now that the upgrade has gone through the "F9"/Merge option is gone. "F9" now brings up the "Font" dialogue box.
Nobody seems to know how to deal with situation. I'm hoping someone here may have an idea as to how to set it back up again.
Any takers?