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Using ISNULL isn't working in SQL Server 2005

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Feb 25, 2008
Hi all

I have 2 tables. One called 'members' and the other called 'addresses'. Naturally there are members that are linked to addresses, it's quite simple.

I'm using a simple query to pull 2 fields from my members table which also should pull back around 6 fields from the addresses table. This works fine, but when there's not an address associated to a member, then obviously the query (below) returns NULLS.

Now, the problem is:- I'm using the SQL Function ISNULL to eliminate any NULL values, but it's just not working. What am I doing wrong?

The query:-

alter proc get_BizDetail
	@strID varchar(32)

	select biz_name,email,
	(select ISNULL(line1,' ') from addresses a where a.member_uid=m.member_uid) line1,
	(select ISNULL(line2,' ') from addresses a where a.member_uid=m.member_uid) line2,
	(select ISNULL(town,' ') from addresses a where a.member_uid=m.member_uid) town,
	(select ISNULL(county,' ') from addresses a where a.member_uid=m.member_uid) county,
	(select ISNULL(postcode,' ') from addresses a where a.member_uid=m.member_uid) postcode
	from members m where member_uid=@strID

Try this instead.

[COLOR=blue]alter[/color] [COLOR=blue]proc[/color] get_BizDetail
    @strID [COLOR=blue]varchar[/color](32)

    [COLOR=blue]select[/color] biz_name,email,
           [COLOR=#FF00FF]ISNULL[/color](line1,[COLOR=red]' '[/color]) line1,
           [COLOR=#FF00FF]ISNULL[/color](line2,[COLOR=red]' '[/color]) line2,
           [COLOR=#FF00FF]ISNULL[/color](town,[COLOR=red]' '[/color]) town,
           [COLOR=#FF00FF]ISNULL[/color](county,[COLOR=red]' '[/color]) county,
           [COLOR=#FF00FF]ISNULL[/color](postcode,[COLOR=red]' '[/color]) postcode
    [COLOR=blue]from[/color]   members m 
           [COLOR=#FF00FF]Left[/color] [COLOR=blue]Join[/color] addresses a
             [COLOR=blue]On[/color] m.member_uid = a.member_uid
    [COLOR=blue]where[/color]  m.member_uid=@strID

You only need to link to the address table once using a left join. If there is no match, then the columns from the addresses table will be null, and the IsNull function will accommodate it.

Make sense?


"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
that is because your queries do NOT return a resultset

for example run this

select isnull(name,'a') from sysobjects where id = -2

see? nothing

BTW instead of doing 5 nested queries use a left outer join between the two tables and ISNULL will work

read faq183-4785

because the way that query you posted is written is very inefficient

Denis The SQL Menace
SQL Server Code,Tips and Tricks, Performance Tuning
SQLBlog.com, Google Interview Questions
Now may be a good time to get into the habit of using COALESCE as well :)

If you go to Denis' blog I believe he has a good post on the differences.

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