How do you make a window open in a frame with JavaScript. TARGET="HOME" does not work. My frame windows keep opening in the same frame my list box is in, I want them to open in the other frame window.
Here is the JavaScript I am using:
function showpage(form)
{ var item = form.list.selectedIndex;
choice = form.list.options[item].value;
if (choice=="fbi" { fbi(); } else
if (choice=="aff" { aff(); } else
if (choice=="com" { com(); } else
if (choice=="contest" { contest(); } else
if (choice=="kwd" { kwd(); } else
if (choice=="snake" { snake(); } else
if (choice!="x"
The frame window I want it to open in is NAME=HOME which is the bottom window.
I am just using two frames.
The top frame has my list box in it which I want to stay there all the time. I want the selections made from the list box to open into the bottom frame. BUT they are opening in the list box frame, which is the top frame.
The if (choice=="" statements open popup windows and they work just fine.
Here is the JavaScript I am using:
function showpage(form)
{ var item = form.list.selectedIndex;
choice = form.list.options[item].value;
if (choice=="fbi" { fbi(); } else
if (choice=="aff" { aff(); } else
if (choice=="com" { com(); } else
if (choice=="contest" { contest(); } else
if (choice=="kwd" { kwd(); } else
if (choice=="snake" { snake(); } else
if (choice!="x"
The frame window I want it to open in is NAME=HOME which is the bottom window.
I am just using two frames.
The top frame has my list box in it which I want to stay there all the time. I want the selections made from the list box to open into the bottom frame. BUT they are opening in the list box frame, which is the top frame.
The if (choice=="" statements open popup windows and they work just fine.