I am using a DBGrid component with a DBNavigator to visualise - through a DataSource - the dataset generated by a IBQuery (which contains a select statement). I also use IBDatabase, IBTransaction and IBUpdateSQL.
Each change that the user makes affects the dataset instantly but doesn't affect the database. From what I've gathered from the Delphi 5 documentation, the only way to make inserts, deletes and modifies to an Interbase database is through the InsertSQL, DeleteSQL and ModifySQL properties of the IBUpdateSQL component. My question is, how do I build these statements while the user browses the records in DBGrid, and when and how I apply them? Or, is there an easier way for this?
Thanks in advance,
Each change that the user makes affects the dataset instantly but doesn't affect the database. From what I've gathered from the Delphi 5 documentation, the only way to make inserts, deletes and modifies to an Interbase database is through the InsertSQL, DeleteSQL and ModifySQL properties of the IBUpdateSQL component. My question is, how do I build these statements while the user browses the records in DBGrid, and when and how I apply them? Or, is there an easier way for this?
Thanks in advance,