HI there
I have the following code wich is pretty straight forward:
however, if I change the query to select max(mem_id) as maxid from members
I get a output correctly in my asp.
I have run the original query directly in postgres and it returns the maxid fine to me ....
am i missing something here ?
any input will be greatly appreciated.
I have the following code wich is pretty straight forward:
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set Rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
Conn.Open "my db specs here"
Rs.Open "select max(cast (mem_id as int) ) as maxid from members", Conn
response.write "+++++" + Rs("maxid")
however, if I change the query to select max(mem_id) as maxid from members
I get a output correctly in my asp.
I have run the original query directly in postgres and it returns the maxid fine to me ....
am i missing something here ?
any input will be greatly appreciated.