I'm using VB 6 and Access 2000
An error occur when i'm adding a record. same thing with movelast and moveprevious.
the error message that appears...
the operation requested by the application is not supported by the provider.
should i add a reference to be able to access these commands. If yes, can you kindly tell me what it is?
Thanks in advance.
An error occur when i'm adding a record. same thing with movelast and moveprevious.
Set rsCmdty = New ADODB.Recordset
rsCmdty.Open "select * from Data", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source= c:\bocsystem\BOCLoc.mdb"
With MSFlexGrid1
rscmdty("CmdtyCd") = .TextMatrix(0, 1)
rscmdty("Desc") = .TextMatrix(1, 1)
rscmdty("CntryOrign") = Mid(1, .TextMatrix(2, 1), 2)
End with
the error message that appears...
the operation requested by the application is not supported by the provider.
should i add a reference to be able to access these commands. If yes, can you kindly tell me what it is?
Thanks in advance.