I'm a new access user and use it to manage our archived boxes of files. The parent table contains information of each box such as box number, location, destruction date, etc. The child table contains information of the box contents - names of files, etc. Pretty basic stuff but works great. I've created a form/subform showing all of the information on one page. The main form is the box information and the subform (in datasheet format) contains the names of the files. My problem is using the "find" on the subform. For example, I like to do a simple search on the form for the same file name located in different boxes by finding and scrolling through each box (and of course it doesn't work). You recommended, in a previous question, that the subform must be changed to a link form. Would this apply to my problem. How do I go about creating a linked form?
Thanks for your help - as a new access user your forum is very informative.
Thanks for your help - as a new access user your forum is very informative.