Dear All,
Thanks for a great forum
I have the following problem...
I have a form MainScreen
It has a drop down box Council's Proposed Action
This dropdown box has the followng values
problem starts with the query...
The query PolConsultationReport
It has a field Council'sProposedAction
Which has a mixture of null and filled in values.
I used the following criteria for Council'sProposedAction field
And in the Combo box Row Source: Is Not Null.
This did not then filter Council'sProposedAction to exclude null values...
Where am I going wrong?
Please help...
Thank you
Thank you,
Kind regards
Thanks for a great forum
I have the following problem...
I have a form MainScreen
It has a drop down box Council's Proposed Action
This dropdown box has the followng values
problem starts with the query...
The query PolConsultationReport
It has a field Council'sProposedAction
Which has a mixture of null and filled in values.
I used the following criteria for Council'sProposedAction field
And in the Combo box Row Source: Is Not Null.
This did not then filter Council'sProposedAction to exclude null values...
Where am I going wrong?
Please help...
Thank you
Thank you,
Kind regards