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Users can't login once they're set up in Win2000 svr 2

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Mar 10, 2002
We just installed Windows 2000 server (1 domain), then Active Directory. Well, it seems users set up in 2000 isn't quite like NT's User Profiles and Domains... because after adding users in 2000, we can't get login the users from the individual client desktops. Any ideas?

Also, what's a good reference book? - with simple sentence structure without all the flowery, excess verbage of the "dummies" books The doc used thus far is the Getting Started guide that ships with Win2000.
Do you mean the people don't authenticate through the domain? Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional

"All things are difficult before they are easy."
Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661) English scholar, preacher.

More info needed on what is happening when users try to log in.
MAstering Windows 2000 Server by Mark Minasi (Sp) Matt Wray
Some more info as far as what the error message that your getting is would be helpful. Can you ping the server address? Are the clients getting DHCP addresses? Might also rerun the the network ID wizard on the clients - go to desktop/my computer/rightclick/properties/network ID tab. Are the clients logging onto the domain or locally? Windows 2000 website has a lot of good info, and then the W2k resource kit (be prepared to wade through some pretty intense tech talk)is the "definitive" resource. Try running a search on Google or another search engine for W2K server reference books.
thanks for the quick responses!

all: yep, I mean users don't authenticate through the domain (sorry for typo). at startup, the domain doesn't even show under USER, PASSWORD. I thought we handled this under Network Identification by changing from WORKGROUP (when we had the former p2p config) to DOMAIN.

- didn't try pinging the server; will do.
- yes, clients *are* getting DHCP addresses. (FYI, DHCP and DNS are both handled by the cable internet vendor's router {that we can't configure directly}). WHICH REMINDS ME: IF MY ROUTER DOES DHCP AND DNS, THEN DO I EXPLICITY CONFIGURE WIN2000 *NOT* TO?
- clients are not logging onto the domain; THEY DON'T SEE THE DOMAIN, they still appear as WORKGROUP (in network places). Will rerun the Netw. wizard...

Thanks for the reference book leads also :).
When you try to join them to the domain, what type of message are you seeing? Matt Wray
no error - looks like the switch from workgroup to domain worked - just say "must restart for changes to take effect"
I posted a tip about logging only onto a domain, check it out and see if it has anything to do with your problem. It sounds similar, but I'm not sure. Good luck. Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional

"All things are difficult before they are easy."
Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661) English scholar, preacher.

just noticed an error message from another client: from Network Identification tab, after entering Computer Name, Pwd, Domain and pressing enter: &quot;no domain <serverdomain> available&quot;
Can you ping the server? Can you log on to the domain on that PC with your account? Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional

&quot;To know, is to know that you know nothing.
That is the meaning of true knowledge.&quot;
Confucius (c. 551-479 B.C.) Chinese philosopher

This looks like a DNS and/or Global catalog issue. Check first in AD users and computers and make sure that the workstations are listed under computers as belonging to the domain, then check your DNS server for srv records.
If they are missing, or incorrect that do the ipconfig /registerdns to fix that and try again.

Simple Question. Is File and Printer Sharing turned-on on the Server?
This isn't that strange. I've gotten the same message, and when I click ok, it comes back and asks for the username, password and domain. Enter the information, and when it comes back and asks if you want to create a new useraccouont, select no, and you'll join the domain. Good luc. Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional

&quot;Things are not always as they seem;
the first appearance deceives many.&quot;
Phaedrus (15BC - 50AD) Roman poet, short-story writer

If your DHCP info is coming from your ISP's router, then DNS is pointing to your ISP's DNS. Your workstations have to be pointed to the Domain controller for DNS in order for Active Directory to work. I would have them turn off DHCP from the Router and do it from the server. Set the workstations to look at the server for DNS and the Router for the Gateway (if you want them to have internet access) and then set up forwarding to your ISP's DNS through the DNS server on your W2k Server. That should do it. Also, make sure that your server has a fixed IP and that all are on the same subnet mask in TCP/IP properties.

re: jasonhand - THANKS, will do! that dns and dhcp coordination b/t the svr and router has been majorly confusing. i'll do as suggested and c how it goes, thx again!
mattwray/glen/lightspeed/jasonhand/all - We did JUST AS jasonhand noted. all your tips came in handy. configuring DNS with 2 network cards was a pain (even with a simple 'lil LAN); glad that hurdle's crossed.

(fyi, jrini - yep, file and print sharing was turned on)

Thanks guys for this very informative thread, i spent 3 hours trying to figure out why I couldnt get my w2k client to log into my server. Little did i remember i had dns set up to my router, changed it to my server and bang, it logged in perfectly. thanks again.
re jason's last comment...

As a newbie with working with ad and dns, can someone walk me through on how to do this?

&quot;and then set up forwarding to your ISP's DNS through the DNS server on your W2k Server.&quot;
gmuchin- Load DNS on your server.. configure your scopes... then right click on your SERVER in DNS and choose properties. look for a fowarding tab and in there- you can add your ISP's DNS.

One note though, if your not registered in your ISP's DNS then people will not be able to get to your network from the internet. Say like if your ISP is ISP.com and your w2k domain is w2k.ISP.com. You need to be registered in ISP.com in order to have a presence on the internet.

hope that helps.
A good sourse of help, and it includes a walkthrough of Ad is I have used it to set up a windows 2000 server initially.

It explains some parts in detail, and is great for learning in my opinion.

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