I'm studying for SCSA, and I'm having trouble with this one. I'm going to paraphrase the book I'm using to study: When a user account it created, Bourne and Korn shells both use /etc/skel/local.profile, and the C shell uses /etc/skel/local.cshrc and /etc/skel/local.login. And when the account is created, the appropriate file is rename .profile or .cshrd & .login, respectively, and added to the user's home directory.
But here's what I'm seeing in reality. The /etc/skel folder contains 4 files, .profile, local.cshrc, local.login, and local.profile. Well, whenever I create a new user account, whether I use Bourne, Korn, C, TC, Z... any shell, I always get all 4 of these files copied verbatim to the new user's home directory. This is very confusing to me! I'm running Solaris 8 on a SPARCstation5, and installed the entire distribution. Can anyone explain why I'm not seeing what the book tells me is supposed to happen? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks! Mike
But here's what I'm seeing in reality. The /etc/skel folder contains 4 files, .profile, local.cshrc, local.login, and local.profile. Well, whenever I create a new user account, whether I use Bourne, Korn, C, TC, Z... any shell, I always get all 4 of these files copied verbatim to the new user's home directory. This is very confusing to me! I'm running Solaris 8 on a SPARCstation5, and installed the entire distribution. Can anyone explain why I'm not seeing what the book tells me is supposed to happen? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks! Mike