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user accounts 2

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Technical User
Jul 19, 2004
Firstly please excuse me as I'm a complete novice but if anyone could help with the following question I'd be grateful,

Can anyone tell me what the netlogon and sysvol folders are for since they appear to be shared already.

Also is there any way to associate a folder on the server (eg c:\users\username) with a user so that when they log in from any workstation (running XP PRO)the folder appears in 'my computer'

thanks in advance
You can map drives to a particular share or dir under a share on your server

' Get local user's distinguised name.
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserName  = objSysInfo.UserName

' Create network object.
Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

' Get username of local user.
strUserName = objNetwork.UserName

' Map network drives.
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "S:", "\\myserver\homedir\" & strUserName, True

' Release resources
Set objNetwork = Nothing
Set objSysInfo = Nothing


Work on Windows, play on Linux.
Oh dear......first of all thanks for your help but how on earth would I implement this...

I've mapped a drive letter (z: in this instance) to the users share folder on the server but when I log on using another account the mapped drive isn't there or when I logo on to another workstation using the original account it isn't there either.

Really confused????
Mapped drives are for local use only. Create a map drive on the local machine that connects to a shared directory on the server. Do not create a map drive on the server unless it is intended to be used on that server.


Work on Windows, play on Linux.

Another way of doing it is to set 'My documents' for the user to point to the share. Is this what you want to do?
Create the share on the server and open up the user's account (in ADUC). Go to the Profile tab on the account and under the "home folder" section, type \\server\share. This will follow wherever the user logs in. Optionally, you can use the "Connect * to " option as well, which does basically the same thing.


"The Less You Do, The Less Can Go Wrong" :)
Hi guys thanks for all your help......maybe what I am trying to describe hasn't been done clearly......I've been getting a bit muddled!!

Basically its what 'enbw' above has said. If I could get each users account (when they click on my documents) to point to their shared directory on the server that would be it. Here's what I've done so far,

I created a folder on the server called 'users' in which there are a number of folders with exactly the same name as the user name with permissions set so that only the user and the admin can have full access.......NO PROBLEM I thought because it all worked........BUT the trouble is that you have to navigate to that folder in XP when you want to save or open something in it that means clicking numerous times.........NO PROBLEM I thought........I'll just map a drive letter to the folder..........BUT.....when you log on with another user the mapped drive doesn't exist or when you log on to a different workststion the mapped drive doesn't exist!!!!!

Can't pull hair out, not got much left!!

I'm not quite sure what is going on. To setup 'my documents',login as the user. RIght click my documents, on the desktop and change the destination folder to the folder shared on the server. You will need to do this for each user. Then click 'my documents' when saving or navigating.

Are you using local or roaming profiles, logging into another workstation with the same login, assuming that you have logged off the previous workstation. If you are using roaming profiles then the 'my documents' previously configured will be there on the new workstation.
If you use the method of mapping the drive from the user account, it will follow the user wherever he/she logs on.

You would need to set this up for all of the users in question for this to work properly. This can be accomplished fairly easy since your share name equals the username. You can put \\server1\%USERNAME% in the profile for everyone and it will work fine.


"The Less You Do, The Less Can Go Wrong" :)
netintruder.......excellent, it worked

enbw........excellent idea but I don't know how to implement it. Can you elaborate.

Once again a million thanks (and a few beers if you're ever in the north of england) for all the help so far to everyone...


Which bit do you want to implement, my documents or roaming profiles?
Hi enbw

It was the roaming profiles I wanted yo implement because I thought you had to do that to get the My Documents thing to work.


It sounds like you are trying to do 2 different things here.
First of all you will need to establish your user directory on the server where all data from each user will be stored. (\\Server1\Users\*username*)
Next you need to share each folder with permissions set to only have access from admin and each particular user.
if you dont want each folder to be visible to everyone when you share it you can create the username with a $ on the end and it will create the share as a hidden share.
Then in your ADUC username properties. go to the profile tab and put in the Home folder settings to connect to a drive letter along with the path. \\Server1\TSmith$
Once that is done you should be able to log off and log back on and see the mapped drive to that particular user folder. then you will need to go to each particular program such as MS word and tell it where to automatically save each time you say save. IE. Tools-Options-file locations. Change it to be the drive letter that you are now mapping each user to. this will accomplish what you want to do.

Let me know if I am offbase or not.

"When all else fails, laugh

You are right but it looks that ceheide has documented the roaming profiles stuff. Then just do the 'My documents' issue. As default, 'my documents' will be located in your user/profile directory as described above. It is good practice to move 'my documents' out of this directory as users can tend to store lots of files there. This means the profile can become very large, depending on your network, resulting in slow logins/logoff and maybe corruption.

If you are going to implement roaming profiles, presumably at present the user profile is stored on the local machines. Your will need to copy the contents of these to the relevent user/profile directory to the server to maintain any settings. Test before you deploy.

Have Fun.

Thank you everyone for your help. I think my complete novice status has risen to just novice!!

Isn't it amazing how powerful knowledge is.........especially when you share it.

Thanks again

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