Please help! What settings do I need to use to get a US Robotics external modem to work on a ScoUnix server. Right now the modem starts to answer but never does establish a connection.
Well, I use on my sco machines us robo 56k ext (2 make remote assistance).
Usually I configure us robo usin' these steps:
1) I use the com2 port
2) disable tty2a
3) disable tty2A
4) editing the /etc/ttytype file and insert (if not exist) :
ansi tty2a
ansi tty2A
5) editing the file /etc/inittab and find the string what terminate with 2A and replace the speed at the end of the string like this:
1 = 1200
2 = 2400
3 = 4800
m = 9600
n = 19200
Tipically I use the n speed
6) editing the /etc/conf/init.d/sio file. Search the 2A (Se2A) and setting the speed like inittab
7) launch enable tty2A
After this, I configure the modem with AT commands, and that's all.
Sorry if my english is not good! But I think U understand all the same! Ah! sarch into
check /usr/lib/uucp/Devices and look for a line that starts with ACU. and see what dialer is configured to be used. Personally I have never had good luck with any of the later usr dialers, so i just keep a copy of an older one (July 1997) atdialUSR and use it, never any problems then.
If you will create the Devices items for ACU and direct and use the hayes 2400 set in dialers you will have everything you need.In those cases I've needed to lock stuff, I've done it by modifying it in dialers.
Ed Fair
Give the wrong symptoms, get the wrong solutions.
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