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URGENT: SAMBA - I can't see linux computer in win98 1

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Jan 1, 1970

I have 2 computers, one have linux and other windows 98.
I configure samba, and I know the configuration is correct.
I can do ping to each machine, but I can't see the linux
computer in windows98. Why? It is strange... Can you help
me? Thanks:)
check to see if smbd and nmbd are running-
ps -ef |grep smbd
ps -ef |grep nmbd

If they are not you can try to start them throgh linuxconf or from the command line.
If this doesn't work let me know.... Says the Manager to the person that invented the modem: "Tell me again why you need two prototypes?!?"
Check to see if you have exported the resources on the linux box with proper options
check ur network access hosts file, did u permited that computer?
If you are opening "Network Neighborhood" and not seeing your Samba server name in the list, that doesn't always mean its not available. Network Neighborhood is an odd, inconsistent little program and doesn't always work. Try right-clicking on Network Neighborhood and choosing "Find Computer" and enter the name of your Samba server. (Or you can just enter "\\Samba_server_name" in your Internet Explorer address bar and see if you get a response).

Failing this, why don't you show us the your smb.conf configuration (fake your IPs and share names, of course)

also smbd and nmbd should be running as daemons, if you choose to execute them from the command line:
/usr/local/sbin/smbd -D
/usr/local/sbin/nmbd -D
Hello you all:)

Here my configuration of Samba.
I'm using Linux Suse and can't see linux computer in
Windows 98.
I will use fake IP's...
Really thanks for your help:)
I can do ping from each computers.
smb is started
smdb is started
nmdb is started
I ask my self if my linux don't allow my windows computer
IP... How do I configure this???
workgroup = TESTE
server string = LinuxServer
encrypt passwords = yes
null passwords = yes
log file = /var/log/samba.log.%m
max log size = 2000
announce version = 5.5
name resolve order = wins lmhosts hosts bcast
time server = Yes
os level = 34
preferred master = Yes
dns proxy = No
wins support = Yes
guest account = ftp

comment = share2
path = /home/linuxshare
read only = no
guest ok = yes

I am not a Samba guru, so any who know more, please feel free to correct me.

I notice a couple of things, though:

1. You have no "hosts allow" directive in [global]. I think for security reasons Samba defaults to a "deny" mode and you have to specify the hosts who can connect. For example:

hosts allow = 10.10.10. 127.

would allow anyone in the 10.10.10.xxx subnet to connect. 127. allows localhost loopback.

I'm sure there is a way to set the default mode to "allow" for all IP addresses, but is that wise?

2. You might have an overly simple configuration in [publicshare]. Try adding a list of valid users:

valid users = user1 user2 user3

Other than that, I would recommend you comment out other areas of your [global] configuration one by one, restarting Samba each time, and testing.

Here is an example configuration file that works very well for my specific situation:

   workgroup = MY_WORKGROUP
   server string = Samba Server
   hosts allow = 127.
   log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
   log level =3
   max log size = 50
   security = user
   encrypt passwords = yes
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY
   local master = no
   wins support = yes
   dns proxy = no

#================= Share Definitions =================
   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no                                    
   writable = yes                                     
   comment = Joe's  stuff                            
   path = /usr/home/joe                              
   valid users = joe
   public = yes                                       
   writable = yes                                     
   printable = no                                     
   create mask = 0765                                 
   guest ok=no                                        
   comment = Rick's  stuff
   path = /usr/home/rick
   valid users = rick      
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   create mask = 0765
   guest ok=no

This is a very simple configuration that allows Unix system users to connect to their home directories via Samba. Bear in mind that with this you also need a smbpasswd file (usually in /usr/local/private), and you need to enter the passwords with an executable called smbpasswd {username} (as the root user, usually in /usr/local/bin/smbpasswd)

I try this, but don't work:(
just like you said.
Something is wrong, and i don't know what...
Linux Computer still don't appear in Win98:(
It is not necessary to have the "host allow" in your globals. If it is not there, SAMBA assumes that the box is wide open.
Try this very simple config to see if you can get SAMBA running at all, then try adding the other variables like encrypt password and time server.

workgroup = TESTE
server string = LinuxServer
os level = 33
security = share
guest account = nobody

comment = share2
path = /home/linuxshare
public = yes
read only = no
guest ok = yes

Obviously, you need to make sure that the "/home/linuxshare" dir exists and for testing purposes make it accessable to everyone (chmod 777 /home/linuxshare)

After, you change this config file, it might be helpful to stop and start smbd. Then go to your NN and see if your linux box appears. If not, see if you can find it by name then by ip address.
If none of this works, let me know the results of each step and I will see what I can come up with.

Says the Manager to the person that invented the modem: "Tell me again why you need two prototypes?!?"
I try all you said, starting by change the smb.conf then
save it.
I restart smb like this:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart

I restart Win98 then search for Linux Computer, but I can't
see it.

I try to FIND for Linux, and I found IT:) but still can't
see Linux Computer Icon:(
I double-click on it and I can see the directory that I
share in Linux:)

Why Linux Computer Icon don't appear in Win98?

Thanks slgordon:)
Help me,
When you say the "Linux Computer Icon" I assume you mean in your Network Neighborhood?
If this is the case; Do you have a NT server on you network playing the role of a Primary Domain Controller? If so, there are a few things we can do to add the Linux Server to the Domain.

If this is not the case; It may take your Win 98 machine a few minutes to refresh it's browse list and see the Linux machine.

But if you can see it through find computer, then congradulations, you have SAMBA up and running! ;)
Now you can go back and add compontents to it, like
"Encrypt Passwords" "Time Server" and "dns proxy".
I would suggest adding these one at a time. Says the Manager to the person that invented the modem: "Tell me again why you need two prototypes?!?"
In the Network Neighborhood I can't see computer linux icon.
Why I can see other computers and can't see linux?
It is strange... There are a reason for it?

I have various NT but I remove all from the network
and create a simple network with Win98 and Linux.
With this simple network, when I enter in Network
Neighborhood I can't see that computer (linux).
Of course I can find it. I'm playing with it, saving
files, removing files, etc...
One solution I find is create a shortcut to it, but what
I want really is to see Linux icon on Network Neighborhood
because if I connect this simple network to other network
other people can't see Linux.
The file lmhosts or hosts have something do about it?
Who I make linux icon appear in Network Neighborhood?

Sorry about my english.
Special thanks:)
I have noticed that under your [global] you need to input the following (or make sure it is simalar):
workgroup = (yourworkgroup)
browseable = yes
force user = root
force create mode = 777
server string = Samba Server
guest account = pcguest
hosts allow = (first 3 octets of the IP scheme you want to access the server)
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
printing = lprng
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
security = share
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
local master = no
domain master = no
preferred master = no
interfaces = (LINUX server IP address)/24

I hope this helps. I know this works for a fact. If you still have problems email me @ butchrecon@skyenet.net


Thank you all for help me. Now I can see Linux Computer Icon
in Network Neighborhood:)))))


I expect that this message and this forum help not only me
but all people that need computer help:)


OK, I CAN see on 2 different networks. I can authenticate with w95 but NOT on W98 on either network! Whassup???
I changed the hosts allow (was remmed out) to the network I am on and the samba server disappeared in W98. Go figure.
Is the Win98 machine on a different IP scheme. You should double check it. Also double check the Workgroup name and broadcast address on the Win98 machine.
As i mentioned, the win98 PCs are on different networks. On both networks Linux host gets its IP address via DHCP. Definitely the same workgroup. The Linux box in question is on a notebook PC and I move from network to network. Win95 PCs and Win98 PCs on different networks can both see the Samba server, but only the Win95 PCs can authenticate and access the share. When I double-click on the Samba server in NN, a password dialog pops up but password does not work. Win95 does not as for password. One network is using private a private one, the other is public. The only common thread is that Win98 will not behave itself. Any more ideas?
Have you got encrypted passwords turned on in the SAMBA machine?

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