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Urgent: load data into TABLE TYPE table 1

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Jun 8, 2001
Check the following:
TYPE task_rec_type IS RECORD
(id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(25))

TYPE task_tbl_type IS TABLE OF task_rec_type
I have a table (tasks) in database with two columns(id, name).
Now I want to select records from tasks and load into task_tbl_type.


JLuost1, Last time I checked, Oracle's PL/SQL does not support the accessing of a "TABLE of RECORDS", but strangely, it does support a "RECORD of TABLES". (Dima, SybaseGuru, Carp, et. al., could you confirm this for us?) So, with your indulgence, I have slightly restructured your design to accommodate this restriction. Here is my solution and output:

set serveroutput on
TYPE number_stencil is table of number INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
TYPE varchar2_stencil is table of varchar2(25) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
TYPE task_rec_type is record (id number_stencil, name varchar2_stencil);
r task_rec_type;
loc binary_integer;
loc := 0;
for x in (select id, last_name from s_emp) loop
loc := loc + 1;
r.id(loc) := x.id;
r.name(loc) := x.last_name;
end loop;
for i in 1..loc loop
dbms_output.put_line (r.id(i)||': '||r.name(i));
end loop;

1: Velasquez
2: Ngao
3: Nagayama
4: Quick-To-See
5: Ropeburn
6: Urguhart
7: Menchu
8: Biri
9: Catchpole
10: Havel
11: Magee
12: Giljum
13: Sedeghi
14: Nguyen
15: Dumas
16: Maduro
17: Smith
18: Nozaki
19: Patel
20: Newman
21: Markarian
22: Chang
23: Patel
24: Dancs
25: Schwartz

Let me know if this works for you.

Dave -
A table of records:

SQL> declare
2 pe my_rec is record(x date, y number);
3 ype my_rec_table is table of my_rec index by binary_integer;
4 l_rec my_rec;
5 l_table my_rec_table;
6 begin
7 l_table(7).x := sysdate;
8 end;
9 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Thanks, Carp, for the update. (That's why I love this forum...I learn something new just about every day!)

So, JLuost1, here is your revised code based on your original assertion:

TYPE task_rec_type IS RECORD (id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(25));
TYPE task_tbl_type IS TABLE OF task_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
r task_tbl_type;
loc binary_integer;
loc := 0;
for x in (select id, last_name from s_emp) loop
loc := loc + 1;
r(loc).id := x.id;
r(loc).name := x.last_name;
end loop;
for i in 1..loc loop
dbms_output.put_line (r(i).id||': '||r(i).name);
end loop;

1: Velasquez
2: Ngao
3: Nagayama
4: Quick-To-See
5: Ropeburn
6: Urguhart
7: Menchu
8: Biri
9: Catchpole
10: Havel
11: Magee
12: Giljum
13: Sedeghi
14: Nguyen
15: Dumas
16: Maduro
17: Smith
18: Nozaki
19: Patel
20: Newman
21: Markarian
22: Chang
23: Patel
24: Dancs
25: Schwartz

Cheers !
I'd also suggest to look at BULK COLLECT clause, as in case of large nuber of records to process, it improves performance significantly. Its usage is limited slightly by only single-column (although object tables also) collections, but simple workaround exists. Thus, Dave's example may be rewritten as:


TYPE tId IS TABLE OF s_emp.id%type;
TYPE tName IS TABLE OF s_emp.last_name%type;
mId tId;
mName tName;

select id, last_name bulk collect into mId, mName from s_emp;

for i in 1..mId.count loop
dbms_output.put_line (mId(i)||': '||mName(i));
end loop;


Regards, Dima
I revised it and found that in 9i single-column table is no more a limit. The following code will work on 9i:

TYPE task_rec_type IS RECORD (id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(25));
TYPE task_tbl_type IS TABLE OF task_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
r task_tbl_type;


select id, last_name bulk collect into r from s_emp;

for i in 1..r.count loop
dbms_output.put_line (r(i).id||': '||r(i).name);
end loop;

Regards, Dima
Dave, did you try it or just evaluated theoretical knowledge?

Regards, Dima
I mean that it's deep night there, so I suppose you had no chance to try it on large amount of data:)

Regards, Dima
You're right...it's 2:47 a.m....I just tried it on the Oracle s_emp (classroom) table. I don't need lots of data to be happy. :)
That's wonderful! Thanks a million, folks.

I got a big package to write and my several tables have nearly 100 columns. The code will definitely help me to make it shorter and neater and faster.
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