As a part of my project work, I need to upload files onto the oracle tables. For example, let's say I have a table called 'Assignment' to which the students in a particular course can upload their assignment files. The fields in the table are,
Assignment number,Course number,Student Id,Assignment file.
Here the field 'Assignment file' is indeed a file. What data type do v have in Oracle that can support file uploads. Kindly help me along with a simple example of how to upload a file.
Thankz in advance.
Mythology does rock!!!
As a part of my project work, I need to upload files onto the oracle tables. For example, let's say I have a table called 'Assignment' to which the students in a particular course can upload their assignment files. The fields in the table are,
Assignment number,Course number,Student Id,Assignment file.
Here the field 'Assignment file' is indeed a file. What data type do v have in Oracle that can support file uploads. Kindly help me along with a simple example of how to upload a file.
Thankz in advance.
Mythology does rock!!!