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Upload - Edit images with Web Companion

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Jan 3, 2003
Hello There!
I am a "freshman" when it comes to FM so please excuse my ignorance. Here is a Q:
-With a Web Companion built-in publishing running...I can do functions:
New Record
only on certain fields...
but how can I edit the image?
What I am looking for is a field with a browse function so I can upload new or any image to that field!
My images are stored in the DB not in the external folder.
Any ideas???

( I know I can always buy some other DB but it is about the battle not the weapons! )
as you can see this is another reason why Access is better than FMPro......Forum/Community Support here is hm hm hm not what you would expect...simple function and no one has even a YES or NO as an answer...anyhow

My understanding is that you can't drop any image into the field from the client side (i.e. in the browser window).

Previously we have used a standard CGI upload script to upload the image and then stored the path to the image in the database. This works fine, Also you would probably want to aviod storing the actual image in the database for size implications.

Why not use the CDML scripting language you get with FileMaker instead of the instant web publishing - it is quite easy to use. Then you can do a whole number of things, instead of just viewing and creating new records.



thank you for the reply mr.Gums!
I was afraind that that would be the truth. Unfortunately I am not "native" when it comes to FM and CMDL scrips and my time frame of this project does not give me any room to learn it. I decided to go other route which made more sense to me.I am familiar with ASP and since my FMPro 6 runs on win2000 I will use that technology.IF anyone is interested I have posted details in this forum but to summ it up
I use DreamweaverMX and it works fine through ODBC.I do not know yet the performance of this setup and if it is "slower" using ASP than the CDML.
Do you have any thoughts on performance of ODBC with FM?
Anyway, Thanx for the reply mr.Gums
My background was also with ASP and SQL Server 7 or Access - but a move of company to a mac only environment meant moving to FM and CDML.

By comparison FM is good for setting dynamic sites up quickly - the CDML is dead easy to use, I would say a fair bit easier than ASP was to learn. However, it is not as powerful, when you want to do things like uploading files, automated procedures (stored procedures - which are almost impossible) and the more technically demanding stuff FM can be quite difficult. A prime example is that you can only run repeating lists vertically, not horizontally.

Also, as you mention there is a speed issue - something like SQL would be faster than FM - but to be honest a fast connection would make more difference than the query speed of the two.

We use FM and CDML for some large database driven sites 10K records for asset management and there is rarely a problem.

Of the two, ASP would be my choice.

One last point though - there are hundereds of plugins for FM that usually let you do whatever you're after, but you'll have to buy them.


thank you mr. Lewis for your input!
I am always affraid to mix technologies that are not native and have that concern that there is a "middle finger" waiting to pop up in your face....especially when you are bout 85% done with the project :).
"Sorry this function is not available...so go ahead and re-design your project in another programming language" is exactly what I want to avoid.
I saw a whole bunch of plug-ins...but you know how it is with managers, they don't like to hear:
"only x amount of $$$ this month...and then $50-100 for this plugin and then another plugin...etc." Its hard to explain to management (higher positions then myself)why would they have to pay for something that "the only thing it does is to connect to DB".....or makes a little field or whatever.
After I looked arround and read about CMDL it seemed as if it had some nice functions to it...but as I said in my case we all contribue to the retirement plan of mr. B.Gates and soley depend on win platforms so might as well use what I have.
I used win2000 Pro with IIS 5.0 for my ASP and I know some will argue about the security and all arround hack attempts on IIS but I think its as safe as any other product IF configured right.
App. server is actually FMPro 6 rather than server version. I know some will also argue...oh get the server version...but I don't think it's worth the money diffrence between the two -FOR ME. Yes, the functions of back up etc. but even this can be worked arroud with some batch files and scheduling so the standard version works just as well. How?
TechScheduler and some File Closing scripts on the DB and bam! you have a backup system.
OK If you want to run a mega site then include the concurrent conections aspect of it and get the server version...

At the bottom of it all you/we really need is a "box" to store the data...you can make the "box" out of paper and buy a lot of glue or make it out "wood" and get a bunch of nails!
Anyway, enough of my ramblings I hope this helps in someones process of though....it did to me!
Thanx Lewis
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