I am looking to upgrade to 7.6.300. I currently run 7.6.100a, Microsoft SQL, all users connect via Citrix.
Does anyone know of anyone in the Balt-Washington area that can help us with this upgrade?
We've had problems with Macola's support people on previous upgrades. When we went to SQL, they quoted 2 days and took over a week to complete the upgrade with their half-assed conversion tool. The problem arose when they wanted us to pay for 5-6 days of "consulting" (which mostly constituted the guy they sent out to us being on the phone with guys at Macola) when we only contracted for two days (per their quote). In other words they wanted us to pay them to help them debug their upgrade tool.
In the past we've always dealt directly with the Marion office because we were to be a strategic client for them, but after the buyout, they have switched us to the NJ office.
I've talked to my rep at the NJ office and I have not come way with any confidence that they can or are eager in any way to help us. I get alot of double talk and long lead times for getting information back to me. I've talked to them three times about this project and the best I've got out of them is that I'll get quote in a few weeks. Being all the way up in Jersey (only 3 hours) they are not interested in making a site visit.
I am definately interested in getting some third party help and not dealing at all with Exact/Macola.
Sorry for the Macola rant, but I'm open for any advice on how I should proceed with this upgrade. Thanks ...
P.S. Do I have to upgrade to SQLServer 2000 with this upgrade? I couldn't even extract an answer from NJ on that basic question.
Does anyone know of anyone in the Balt-Washington area that can help us with this upgrade?
We've had problems with Macola's support people on previous upgrades. When we went to SQL, they quoted 2 days and took over a week to complete the upgrade with their half-assed conversion tool. The problem arose when they wanted us to pay for 5-6 days of "consulting" (which mostly constituted the guy they sent out to us being on the phone with guys at Macola) when we only contracted for two days (per their quote). In other words they wanted us to pay them to help them debug their upgrade tool.
In the past we've always dealt directly with the Marion office because we were to be a strategic client for them, but after the buyout, they have switched us to the NJ office.
I've talked to my rep at the NJ office and I have not come way with any confidence that they can or are eager in any way to help us. I get alot of double talk and long lead times for getting information back to me. I've talked to them three times about this project and the best I've got out of them is that I'll get quote in a few weeks. Being all the way up in Jersey (only 3 hours) they are not interested in making a site visit.
I am definately interested in getting some third party help and not dealing at all with Exact/Macola.
Sorry for the Macola rant, but I'm open for any advice on how I should proceed with this upgrade. Thanks ...
P.S. Do I have to upgrade to SQLServer 2000 with this upgrade? I couldn't even extract an answer from NJ on that basic question.