Has anyone experienced any out of the ordinary issues with upgrading 5.1 to 6.0MP3 on their Master/Media servers. We are running HP-UX with ACSLS controlling the tape libraries. Our plan is to copy all of the 5.1 directories to a different area of disk and just perform a clean install of 6.0 and then apply MP3. Then perform the nbpushdata command to copy over the image/media server DB's.
I have heard that there are some issues with the Veritas scheduler but would like to confirm with more than one source that has had issues with this? Any replies would be appreciated. The individual who stated this also said they would recommend waiting until MP4 to perform the upgrade. Personally I don't like the idea of upgrading to a MP that hasn't been out for a few months due to possible new issues. Thanks in advance for any responses! JR
I have heard that there are some issues with the Veritas scheduler but would like to confirm with more than one source that has had issues with this? Any replies would be appreciated. The individual who stated this also said they would recommend waiting until MP4 to perform the upgrade. Personally I don't like the idea of upgrading to a MP that hasn't been out for a few months due to possible new issues. Thanks in advance for any responses! JR