Any Business partner or Avaya will tell you that the G1 will be forklifted and replaced by a newer Definity system.
The G1's are so old that it would not be worth yours or anyones time to upgrade to anything less then an R11.
You could source out an R6 or above off E-Bay and have a business partner help you upgrade that one. Might be a little less expensive, but the same upgrade process still exists with AVAYA.
Not to disagree with Netcon1, but we upgraded our G1 to a G3si V6 a couple of years ago, and all the vendor had to do was change a few circuit packs. It's not necessarily a "forklift upgrade." I'd be happy to put up the name of the vendor we used. Just let me know if you want it.
To upgrade to anything newer than a V6 would be a forklift upgrade because it requires a new A carrier to be put in.. as well as new processor and other goodies..
I agree with Duaneness on this one. The main difference I've found is the backplane connection on the older systems as opposed to what's on the showroom floor these days. The older backplane requires a sandwich pack for the Net/Pkt controller that isn't required with the newer cabinets. I did the change from a G1 installed over 10 years ago and never touched until we went to a G3si v8.2, my total downtime was under 10 minutes and the cost was not outrageous.
What I would like to know is,
Does it have to be Avaya or a Avaya rep to do the Upgrade or
if there are some other companies that have the ability to upgrade.
We have had very bad experiences with our Reps and Avaya has left a very sour taste to dealing with them.
Now here is another angle.
If I buy a Used System, Will I need to license the Use of the System with Avaya?
With the splintering going on out there in the Avaya world I hesitate to say you 'have' to go with anyone in particular to get it done. I would say that you are better off going with a business partner. Basically that's someone with a line to Avaya for the pieces you need. I have had mixed experience with business partners and authorized agents, it really depends on you to check the companies rep. My bent is to buy the upgrade or software from a business partner and in name let them handle the work but in actual fact to not let them touch my system. If you buy a used system you do need to buy the RTU. If you have logins you can plug it in and make it work but if anything ever happens that you need Avaya for then you are pooched.
Avaya partners can do the upgrade, if authorized by avaya.
Some of them don't do any more than act as a middle man
between the customer and avaya, while others can do everything.
If you buy a used system you are still supposed to license it with Avaya. Do we need avaya support???
I think we both said about the same thing in stightly different terms, both trying to be politicaly correct.
Just think of all the ifs ands or buts we could put on this subject.
Another point to remember is that depending on the G1 cabinet style and model number, you may only be able to upgrade to 8 with a new processor and sandwich controller card.
After that the processor changed again and so did the minimum requirements for the cabinets.
A business partner is your best bet for this upgrade as some can be flexible with what you require. You are not alone on that statement you made about Avaya. A lot of customers say the same thing.
Shop around, and see what they can offer you.
R11 is the curent upgrade Avaya is providing at this time.
You may find it hard to get a relase lower than that but give it a try....
As far as the used system, you would have the business Partner re-register it to your company, You would not have to repurchase the RTU's if you can provide to the business partner the former IL number, FL number or Sold to number of the switch you are buying. The business partner can then be flexible and help you with that.
netcon1, still on the same subject but changing slightly, is that true about providing the former IL? If so that's great for me; I have a few systems kicking around I just use as 'let's see what happens when I break this' but I'd love to expand the number of things I can break. If I can get them 'official' that will be way more fun. I've always run up against a brick wall talking directly to Avaya on that subject.
If you are upgrading to R11 (Multivantage 1.1-1.2) you will need Avaya Direct or an Authorized Avaya Business Partner to perform a feature extraction on your current system and create a licence with Avaya's RFA Application (only accesable by Avaya and Authorized Business Parnters). You're carrier(s) and cabinet(s) may be re-usable with a TN2400 sandwitch card, depending on the model number. The cabinet model number is located on the rear of the cabinet in the upper left hand corner near the power switch. It usually starts with the letter "J". It is also stamped on the backplane of the carrier. In most cases, upgrading to R9.5 and beyond requires replacement of the processor carrier in pre-R6 systems. When you have the "J" serial numbers from your carriers, give them to the Avaya or Business partner rep who quotes you for the upgrade. There are many Business Parnters out their and they all compete for business. Get quotes from several business partners and Avaya direct and compare.
If you have a system with an IL Number that had been registered with Avaya and a registration and/or sold to number, then you could have a business partner re-register the switch to your company with the existing RTU's still intact.
The serial number/processor load is also important here.
Contact an Avaya Business Partner for more info, or I can suggest one for you.
netcon1, thanks for the info, I have partners I work with but I had always been of the understanding that if I obtained a switch from an entity owned by my organization the RTU transferred but if I obtained it from any other source I was SOL unless I purchased them anew.
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