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Upgrade R7 to R8.1 Essential License needed? 3

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Jan 11, 2012
Hi all,

Customer has an IPO500v2 R7.0 Prefered Edition without Essential license and wants to upgrade to 8.1. Do they need an Essential License as well? I thought that an upgrade license 8.1 alone would be sufficient. Is this correct?

Perhaps a silly question but I seem to have lost track of al the license changes that Avaya has done recently [neutral]

@ tlpeter

Did you get an answer from your Account Manager ?

I've just upgrade an IP Office Preferred Edition Release 7 to 8.1 and there's an error that I need Essential Edition.

I think this looks right:
8.0 -> 8.1 with virtual essential edition license needs upgrade license
7.0 -> 8.1 needs both essential and upgrade license when you have preferred edition.
They told me the same as they told DutchRonald.
But like Andy says, when you have a system running 6.0 then you must upgrade to 7.0 or 8.0 first so it creates a virtual essential edition anyway.
Then you upgrade to 8.1 and apparantly it keeps this license.
But you never know how long it stays so you better get an essential edition license to be sure.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

What about upgrading an IP500v1 system that has Preferred license (Voicemail PRO)? Do I need to purchase an Essential Edition license?

I have 3 systems - all IP500v1 running R7 now in a multi-site (SCN). Only one system has the Preferred Edition license and I am told that this one should be upgraded first (also think that I read that in a TB). So what's required for these systems? An Essential Editin licnese for all three?

I just upgraded an IP500 V1 with 4.2 preferred to 8.0 then 8.1 with only the upgrade license and it worked fine. It had the standard to professional license on it as well as voicemail pro.
I just finished upgrading a 6.0 that already had voicemail pro. I took them to 8.1 (after the required interim upgrade to 8.0)using only the upgrade license 6. It put in a virtual essential edition license by itself. I did not install any licensing other than the upgrade. The customer already purchased voicemail pro. The above referenced quotes from documentation are not for a situation where preferred is already installed.
When you still have a working VMPro then you are not running 8.1.43 or higher i guess.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Yes customer had 4.2 and 6.0 and I upgraded them to 8.1.63, Feature Pack 1 and all worked with only upgrade 6 license
But do you have a virtual essential edition or not at all?


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

I have an ipo 500 v1 with v/m pro that was at 5.0.
I upgraded it to 7.0, purchased the upgrade keycode (only the upgrade keycode)and brought the ipo to 8.1(56). In my licenses field it says:

License Key: Virtual Essential Edition
License Type: Essential Edition
License Status: Valid
Instances: 1
Expiry Date: Never

and my v/m pro is functioning. No seperate keycode required.

Merry Christmas
Exactly!! There is no reason to buy essentials when you have vmpro already. Funny thing is ATAC is telling us you need to buy essentials. Be careful of the information you get. This can cost the loss of a customer when you tell them they have to buy licenses they don't need!
So if I have a customer (running 8.0 out of 90 day entitlement) who has Preferred and Advanced edition they will have to buy The essential edition license in order to upgrade to 8.1?
You can sell them the essentials if you want to, but as I stated in the post, I have not had a situation where it was needed. Every upgrade I have done where the customer has already paid for voicemail works fine with just the "Upgrade 6" license. I have not, however, done an upgrade from 8.0 to 8.1. Mine have all been from earlier versions where the upgrade procedure is to perform an interim upgrade to 7 or 8, then 8.1.
The reason I ask is because we just upgraded our Demo cabinet from 8.0 to 8.1. When we got the 8.1 upgrade license and performed the upgrade it said I needed Essential Edition in order to upgrade. We contacted Avaya and got the license approved and all is working. The problem is with the other 14 IP Offices we have to maintain. We sold 75% of them the Preferred Edition for VM Pro and now I have to tell them they need to buy an additional obsolete license in order to upgrade the software? That's a load of crap! Why would they require the Essential Edition when my customers have paid the extra money for Preferred or Advanced? This should be fun....
I have not seen an instance where it was required to buy the essential license. Like WallysWorld wrote, my upgrades have added the virtual essential edition license BY ITSELF when the system already had either the preferred edition licenses or the voicemail pro license, depending on release. I did not add it, it was not there before adding the upgrade license and the systems are working. WITH NO PURCHASING OF THE ESSENTIAL LICENSE. I can't explain why it did not work for you on your demo unit.
You guys really think you invented it.
The docs say you need it and you will need it.
The virtual essential edition license is a virtual one.
If you do not have it then you have a big problem.
I have had a system that broke down and i had to replace it and it did not have the virtual edition license anymore.
Luckly our distri could generate it within 10 minutes but some distri's takes hours or days to do it.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Not sure what you mean by invented it. I'm just telling my experience. I did nothing but install an upgrade license on a system with preferred and it worked. I didn't make it work, it just worked. I think you may have misinterpreted my posts. I apologize if I was unable to communicate it properly.
What i am trying to say is that the virtual essential license is tight to the control unit and not to the dongle.
If the unit breaks then you will have a problems as you do not have the essential edition license on the dongle.
You can put it in a new system or swap it but you will keep a useless system.
I don't know why it still works but do not expect it to stay working this way.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Ah! I understand what you're saying and it makes sense. The one I upgraded that "created" the virtual essential license upon upgrading was a V2 running 6.0. The other was a V1 running 4.2 and the license was obviously not "preferred", but rather VMPro 4 port. That upgrade did not generate the virtual essential license, but changed the name of that license to "preferred edition" and it is definitely working.
Hi, my client has IP Office R7.0 whit Preffered and Advanced Edition, CCR and VMail Pro running.
He has purchased an upgrade lic to R8.1... He needs a Essential Edition licence???
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