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upgrade from sp5 to sp6a

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Dec 1, 2000
I would like to know how to upgrade my service pack in my server from 5 to 6a.
thanks for your help!
if you have the sp6a package you just install it. You are given an option if you want to backup the old files for emergency. I´ve done it plenty of times with no problems.
If you don´t have sp6a you can download it from microsoft´s website. At least I managed that with an earlier servicepack.
You just install SP6a and I recommend that you take the 'uninstall option' - in case you have to back out SP6a to SP5 if you encounter problems later...

Some of the service packs "ask you" if you whant surtain files replaced by the ones included from MS.


Some Array controllers and even Ethernet controllers have to use the "Vendor specific files"

If suddently you cant see your network, use your tape drive or even boot your system! Don't panic! I am sure you made a backup and you have your trusty Emergency Repair disk to save you! You do right? :)
Luck! L8ter!
I'm replying specifically to the info that muck proposed. If I have a server running NT4 SP5 and I install SP6a and choose the option to uninstall, do I simply use the Add/Remove Programs option in Control Panel to remove it? Will that then take it back to SP5? The state it was before? I'm having some app problems on a server today that I don't know if they are related to the SP6a or not.

Yes, it should be in add/remove programs. What type of problems are you having? Curious. Maybe you need to research Technet before doing that unless you have some old applications that are not supported after SP5.

We are looking to see if we made a mistake and the application on that machine is not supported by SP6a. SP5 was on there before, but we don't know if there is a relationship or not. The app that is on this server works with an interface box (a 95 machine). The info that gets sent to the interface box is actually processed on the server. But for some reason, the files did not get moved over to the server last night - a new file is created that confirms the server received the original. That confirmation file is not present on the interface box. I have the app vendor dialed into both machines righ now taking a look at the application. I'm really hoping it's not a SP issue and I goofed! If so, are there any major repercussions (other than the files that won't be removed per MS's website) that I need to watch out for if I have to remove 6a? I'm brand spanking new at networking in general, including NT and 2000 and am trying to minimize the errors! I'm sure you understand. Thanks for responding to me today!

If you chose to backup the files during the install of SP6 then you should be fine. Just simply remove SP6 from Add/remove programs. The application vendor should be able to tell you if this is a Service Pack issue or not. Maybe he just needs to tweak some files. I'm sure he will let you know one way or the other. You should be able to revert back to SP5 though just as long as you chose to backup.

Take a breather and don't get stressed out. Your hair will get gray quick in this business if you get stressed out.

Good luck.

Thanks tons! The files were backed up, so if push comes to shove, I can do the uninstall. I had to laugh out loud at you final two sentences - you'd think you met me or something with that kind of advice! 'Preciate the help and counseling!!!

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