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Upgrade from IDS 7.31 To 9.3 advice

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Jun 21, 2001
I would like some advice and some issues i may have to consider when I upgrade from 7.31 UC6 to 9.30.

We are currently also using Enterprise replication, so does that mean I will have to upgrade all the other servers as well.

Also how compatible are the onbar and level 0 archives, can I do migration from 7.31 to 9.3 using onbar?

If there are other issues, I would like to know. The point is our 7.31 are quite stable right now. But because we need to use datablade technology for some specific tasks, we seemed to be forced to upgrade.


Last year, I evaluated Online 9.21:

1) Under Solaris 7, I was able to restore an archive 0 from 7.31 UC2 to the 9.21 engine with no problems. Didn't test onbar.

2) I performed extensive tests with Informix 4GL, version 7.20 UD6, and SQL scripts. Everything seemed to work except that informix has tightened up the datetime syntax:

select * from some_table
where compdatetime = today - 30

where compdatetime is a datetime year to second.

While this worked under 7.31, it fails with 9.23. While this fix works:

select * from some_table
where date(compdatetime) = today - 30

performance goes in the toliet because it forces a full table scan. It I would have completed the upgrade, i would have changed "today" to "current" and i also would have changed the "30" to an interval.

3) Management decided not to upgrade because our Power Builder front end would have to be upgraded from 6.5 to at least 7.0. The 6.5 P.B. ODBC drivers were not compatible with 9.x.

We're in the process of eliminating the P.B. and when that happens we'll probably upgrade the Informix engine.

That's all I have to share.



Informix can migrate versions up and down.
There is a migration guide on your Answers CD or those tools are used by you every day without noticing their data-migration capabilities

Although a test of restoring both data and program backups will assure you can step back if something goes wrong
dbexpord/dbimport stores only text descriptions so it can be used to export one database and import another

ontape_-s -L_0

Yes you should ky all your servers and update at once
what are your scripts for ?
# su - informix
% ./installserver9.3

or wnmode to get version down

and so it goes
dbexport/dbimport is best way to transfer between different architectures/ IX servers
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