We just recently switched from a 5.5 to a 2000 Exchange server. We did this by getting a new server and them joining the existing site and moving the mailboxes to the new server. But now we are considering going to E2K3. I am doing some research and reading info from Microsoft but I want to get the opinions from some of you who have upgraded from 2000 to 2003. We have windows 2000 and i know we need to go to windows 2003. then upgrade from E2K to E2K3. Have any of you installed windows 2003 over windows 2000? If so what, if any complications did you have? When you upgraded to E2K3 did you do an inplace upgrade over the existing server or did you make a new server and then move the mailboxes over? If you did an inplace upgrade what complications, if any did you have or what info should i know? Does it change anything major on the upgrade or does everything work the same after the upgrade.
Thanx for the help.
Thanx for the help.