We've got an old 8x24 Nortel system with firmware DS5 in it. It currently has no expansion. We've got it full of extensions, so I found a 6 port expansion card and a station module that will plug in. I'm wondering about the correct method of doing this? Is it a:
- power down
- plug new cards in
- power up
And I don't lose any of my programming and the new extensions are available? Or, does something else happen? I'm scared!
We've got an old 8x24 Nortel system with firmware DS5 in it. It currently has no expansion. We've got it full of extensions, so I found a 6 port expansion card and a station module that will plug in. I'm wondering about the correct method of doing this? Is it a:
- power down
- plug new cards in
- power up
And I don't lose any of my programming and the new extensions are available? Or, does something else happen? I'm scared!