I noticed that in BI series 7.3 we are able to publish cubes and reports directly to ReportNet. I have tried this and result is very impressive.
I have couple of question with related to this new functionality.
1. With this can we completely eliminate the Upfront from our architecture?
Currently we are integrating Series 7 with ReportNet by setting the parameter in System.xml file of ReportNet to list the cubes and reports in Cognos Connection. If we are able to publish all to ReportNet directly, do we need Upfront in future? Is there any specific reason why we should have Upfront also when we got Cognos Connection portal?
2. Can you please let me know the deployment options for this, PPES => ReportNet.
For upfront I used the upfront pack or Deployment tool for moving from development server to test or to production server. I have tried the ReportNet export option to export the cube published folder, but when I imported that at target environment, no contents imported except the folder structure. Assuming we are not maintaining Upfront, I cant either use Deployment manager (since it connects to Upfront) or Upfront Pack utility.
3. Currently users have their own PowerPlay web reports saved in their personal folders in Upfront. If we eliminate the Upfront, is there an easy way to move all these content to ReportNet private folders or users have to manually save them?
Your help is much appreciated. many thanks.