I have TWO Ms. Access 2K databases. I can get ADODB connections to BOTH of them. I can get individual fields from Either in the immediate window. I wnat (Need?) to do an Update Query to get the info in one updated from the other.
I Cnnnot.
The line in the code (Ms Access 2K, but I am flexible, actually would PREFER to use the "commented out" ADODB ".Command"
Any "help" out there?
There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
I Cnnnot.
The line in the code (Ms Access 2K, but I am flexible, actually would PREFER to use the "commented out" ADODB ".Command"
' Set cmdUpdt = New ADODB.Command
' With cmdUpdt
' .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
' .CommandType = adCmdText
' .CommandText = sqlUpDt(Idx)
' .Execute lngRowsChanged
' End With
DoCmd.RunSQL sqlUpDt(Idx) 'Err "... Cannot find Table or Query 'rsChargeNbr' ... "
Any "help" out there?
There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over