I have a table full of persons and they each have a number which means what type of job they have. These numbers are being replaced. I have a table that lists the first number and the new second number. I created a new field in the pers table and want to have it put in the new number depending on the old. I wrote this query but its not working, help please.
ID = new number
MOC = old number
Persdata is personnel table
ID is the conversion table
update Persdata Set ID =(select Distinct(persdata.ID) from ID where ID.MOC = Persdata.MOC) where exists (select distinct(persdata.ID) from ID where ID.MOC = Persdata.MOC)
ID = new number
MOC = old number
Persdata is personnel table
ID is the conversion table
update Persdata Set ID =(select Distinct(persdata.ID) from ID where ID.MOC = Persdata.MOC) where exists (select distinct(persdata.ID) from ID where ID.MOC = Persdata.MOC)