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Updating Multiple Records

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Feb 23, 2005
Can any of you lend a hand. I have a form that displays multiple records from one table and need to be able to update one or more record from that form. I have written the query to update the table. With one record it works fine. With two or more I bomb. I have a loop but it acts like it's not working. I have each field unique by tacking on the recordid to it. Everything I found on the subject which was not much said to do that plus use the evalutate function. Nothing seems to work!

<CFIF IsDefined("Form.action")>

<CFLOOP index="i" list="#FORM.sectionID#">

<cfif IsDefined("Form.LR_#sectionID#") is True>
<cfset "form.LR_#sectionID#" = "on">
<cfset "form.LR_#sectionID#" = "off">
<cfif IsDefined("form.BPOC_#sectionID#") is True>
<cfset "form.BPOC_#sectionID#"= "on">
<cfset "form.BPOC_#sectionID#" = "off">
<cfif IsDefined("form.LPOC_#sectionID#") is True>
<cfset "form.LPOC_#sectionID#"= "on">
<cfset "form.LPOC_#sectionID#" = "off">
<cfif IsDefined("form.closingcheck_#sectionID#") is True>
<cfset "form.closingcheck_#sectionID#" = "on">
<cfset "form.closingcheck_#sectionID#" = "off">

<cfset amount = #evaluate("Form.Amount_#sectionID#")#>
<cfset POCamount = #evaluate("Form.POCAmount_#sectionID#")#>

<cfoutput> <CFQUERY NAME="#i#" DATASOURCE="Accutrac">

set Lastmodifiedon = #Date#,
Description = '#evaluate("Form.Description_#sectionID#")#',
Percentagefield = '#evaluate("Form.Percent_#sectionID#")#',
Toname = '#evaluate("Form.Toname_#sectionID#")#',
LR = '#evaluate("Form.LR_#sectionID#")#',
POC = '#evaluate("Form.BPOC_#sectionID#")#',
LPOC = '#evaluate("Form.LPOC_#sectionID#")#',
Closingcheck = '#evaluate("Form.closingcheck_#sectionID#")#',
Amount = #NumberFormat(amount, "9999.99")#,
POCAmount = #NumberFormat(POCamount, "9999.99")#

where sectionID = #i#

all of your lines like
  <cfif IsDefined("Form.LR_#sectionID#") is True>
should use the index instead
  <cfif IsDefined("Form.LR_#i#") is True>

We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
Thank you very much, that narrowed it down. The only problem I'm having is with the amount fields. But after 3 days of hair pulling what a giant improvement

"Error","1016","07/11/05","14:01:07",,", Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322), <P>An error occurred while evaluating the expression: <P><PRE>#NumberFormat(amount, ""9999.99"")# </PRE></P></P>Error near line 126, column 14.<HR><P>Parameter 1 of function NumberFormat which is now ""3,213.00"" must be a number<P> <p>The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (#NumberFormat(amount, ""9999.99"")#), occupying document position (126:13) to (126:45).</p><P><P>Date/Time: 07/11/05 14:01:07<BR>Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible
Remove the double quotes from your number mask. ""9999.99"" should be "9999.99"

Hope This Helps!

ECAR Technologies, LLC

"My work is a game, a very serious game." - M.C. Escher
That's not me that is the log file thats doing that.
Parameter 1 of function NumberFormat which is now ""3,213.00"" must be a number
remove the commas in the 'amount' value
NumberFormat(replace(amount, ",","","All"), "9999.99")

We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
Thank you once again. Your solutions have resolved all open issues.
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