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Updating database without losing information? 1

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Mar 31, 2002
My father wants me to develop an Access program for his small business. I have it almost completely done. My question is, whenever he has an idea for a different version, how can I send him the updated file without his data in the tables being overwrited to my testing entries and completely wipe out his work. Were a great distance away from each other.

Thank you.
You want to split the front end (queries, forms, reports) from the back end (tables). You can do this in a couple simple steps:

(1) Create a new database and import the tables from the existing database into it (use menu choices File, Get External Data, Import). Close that database.

(2) Open the original database, delete all the tables, and then link the tables from the new database you created. You will end up with linked tables having names and data identical to those that you had, but the tables will be "linked", that is, the data for the tables will be found in an outside database, not in the database you're working in. The linking can be done by making menu choices File, Get External Data, Link Tables.

After you do this your dad's database will be composed of a front end database and a back end database. You can make changes to the front end and then just email it to him. (He may have to relink them, depending on whether the database holding the linked tables is located in a directory with the same name as the one you're using on your machine.) The only time you'll have to touch the back end is if your changes require structure changes to the tables.

There's probably lots more information about splitting the databases in the archives or the FAQ's, but that's the basics of it. -- Herb
Thank you very much. That is exactly what I was looking for.
There ia a much easier way. Depending in the eversion, there is an option called "Database Splitter".

It will split your Tables into one DB and the remainder of your objects (Forms, Reports, etc) into another DB and do all the linking. It will even rename one DB to XXXXX_be.mdb.

Have use it many times and works great.

One thing before you use it, make sure you have a backup of your original DB just incase the "Wizard" screws up.

One thing you have to remember, the linking is important. If you have your DB in say C:\MyData, your father needs to create a folder C:\MyData and place the frontend and backend in the same folder, or he must know how to do a re-link of the databases.

Have a good day ;-)

Tulsa, OK
one thing, there is a table that needs to stay in the front end...

that is the switchboard item's table... if you put that in the back end, then you wont be able to updata the menu...

--Junior Junior1544@yahoo.com
Life is change. To deny change is to deny life.

Thanks for the suggestion for the switchboard. Just what I was looking for.

By the way, does anyone know why speed drops when a db is split in a front and back-end? Any suggestions to overcome this problem are welcome

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