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Updating BIOS

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Dec 10, 2000
Hi all,

I have been trying to update my BIOS, but I keep getting the error "unknown flash type" when i try to do it. I have checked that I have awardbios and I am using awardbios version 8 flash to try and update. I have no idea why it doesn't work.

I am running windows XP Pro if that helps, but since I am updating BIOS in DOS version 7.0, i figured what OS i am running should not matter.

Your advice would be much appreciated.

Usually "unknown flash type" warns you that you've got a BIOS not designed for your motherboard model. Triple check that first. Also check in the BIOS setup there aren't any options set that prevent writing to the BIOS.
What motherboard do you have? When Flashing a bios it is always a good idea to do it while connected to a UPS.
it is BIO for the right MB, I have a ECS K7VZA, on start up my current bios is 3.2, I am trying to updatre it to 3.2B, I have been on the website of the Board's manufacurer and the bio 3.2 revision date matches with the revision date shown on my computer start up screen, you know then one when it does the Memory check?

So for sure i have the right Bios version i just don't get why it doesn't work, could it be a virus?
oh yeah i have also checked that there is no setting to prevent my BIO being written to.
thanks but i tried that, 3.7 is also "unknown flash type" i am completely confused on why this is and ECS isn't replying my support queriy either.

Thanks for your help so far
wut are u flashing from? floppy or wut? you should try a harddrive flash..floppys get currupted. i jsut flashed my ECS K7S5A pro to a Honey X OC bios. and it went great. if u need anyhelp on Harddrive flashing ask me.
Hi Fish,

Yeah I would like to know how to do a hard-drive flash please, I am using a floppy at the moment. I am not sure how to do a harddrive flash. Please advise.


There should be a flash utility on the mobo cd. Put that on a floppy with the updated bios.
Make sure you boot from floppy, and that you type the FULL name of the BIOS file "XXXXXXX.XXX"

hi dtaufer,
I have made sure of all that but it still won't work, i have flashed the bio of my older computer no problems, it's just this one that's giving me the problem
I've had this problem a few time in the past. It turns out the PC was scratch built by a small company and although the Mobo looked legitimate, it was not supported by the manufacturer. I ended up being able to track the serial number and it belonged to a batch of Mobo's that were sold to an outside company (apparently in Singapore). Once the motherboards are sold off they can be modified and the manufacturer no longer supports them. So although the name was printed on the board and the BIOS looked authentic, I got that same error. So I guess the question is who built the PC?
Hi Echo

The computer was built by me so I know the parts are legit, but I come to think that is it possible that a virus has attacked my BIOS? Anyone heard of this before? It's justa wild guess.

I have even tried using the older version of the award flash that is on my MOBO's cd and even that say flash unknown, so it kinds sucks now and I might just have to resort to getting a new MOBO in which case I might as well get a new CPU and RAM!! Which isn't a bad thing, just costly that's all. =)
If your mainboard has a BIOS protection jumper, please change the setting to allow BIOS flashing.
You checked the board for jumpers? I think you did that...

I had the same problem different board; was using Award Flash that was DLed from ASUS which did not work. Someone gave me a copy that they had on their CD from ASUS and it worked!

"I have even tried using the older version of the award flash that is on my MOBO's cd and even that say flash " Hmmmm...

The other things I would try, maybe clear the CMOS first.

Try a "Clean Boot" boot disk with only command.com, io.sys and msdos.sys instead of the full Win98 boot disk.

There is an ASUS utility that I used once that actually operates while in Windows; but according to my A+ instructor it is crazy because what if Win decides to freeze while flashing. It worked for me though.

That is all I can think of except that if everything is working don't worry about flashing BIOS.

Did you extract the updated bios onto a floppy or did you just put the download file onto a floppy? I think you problem is that you are not entering the correct file name
as was mentioned earlier.

By the way, what has lead you to a bios update in the first place?
Hi Maine,

I am copying the BIOS BIN files over after extracting them, and I made sure that the names I type in are exactly to the name of the file so there is no mistake in getting the right file, I even tried it with caps and no caps just to make sure.

The main reason why I have to update BIOS is that my computer keeps resetting itself when I try to copy large chunks of file or installing large programs, i.e. games or music CD's. Can you imagine a computer with no games or useful programs?? Well that's what I am stuck with right now, I am stuck with my yahoo online games only!!!

Now another major problem is that because the comp just resets near the end of the operation it sometimes corrupts my NTUSER.DAT file which renders my login useless and all the setting I have set inside lost, or I have once got it to corrupt so bad that windows just says can't load my setting and just restarts again and loops over and over again.

I have check the problem out with the event viewer and I am pretty sure that it is the ACPI thorwing error, it is trying to access address 0x70-0x71 which is of course protected, if my memory serves me right from my hardware classes in uni, it is either the modem port or a COMS port address. I've read on the ECS website that BIOS version VZA34.BIN will fix that problem up.

It also seems to corrupt my NTFS and it get the error the file system structure on my hard-drive is unsuable, so that's also another problem now.

So much problems, but you guys have been great help so far, your suggestions are at least leading me in the right direction of just getting a system. Thanks for your help so far.


I really doubt that a bioa update will fix your current problems as you have descibed. More specs about your PC
would help in trounle shooting your restart problems. It
may be due to failing hardware. ie Power supply,memory, hardrive sector, heat.....
Hi Maine

My system's sepcs are as follows:
MOBO is ECS K7VZA BIOS 3.2 as we all know!!!
Duron 900MHZ, not clocked.
52X52X24 Burner
80 GIG + 20 GIG HDD both 7200RPM Seagates
2 x 256MB SDRAM 133
64 MB GF4 MX440
SB 128 Vibra
1 x USB PCI card
Netcomm 56k internal modem

I think that's it. Now it could be the RAM or the fact that I never changed the internal clock battery since I got it three years ago??

I'm not sure, or it might just be the IRQ allocation has been wrong, but I am not sure, I am not too confident about assigning IRQs, hardware was never my strongest subject in uni.

Hope this helps and thanks for your help!

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