near the end of this code, right before the "ReceiptRequest.MoveNext" I need to say to update the recordset and set a the DATESENT field to today's date.
Since I already have the ReceiptRequest recordset do I go about updating a field in that particular record in that recordset programatically?
I have tried running an SQL UPDATE statement on the recordset and then tried the orginal table but doesn't work.
Not sure...please help!
Private Sub Command7_Click()
strsql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM tbl_AutoReceiptRequest WHERE DateAutoReceiptSent is null;"
Set ReceiptRequest = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strsql)
If Not ReceiptRequest.BOF And Not ReceiptRequest.EOF Then
While Not ReceiptRequest.EOF
emailto = ""
If (IsNull(ReceiptRequest!)) Or (ReceiptRequest![email] = "TBD") Then
MsgBox "No Email Address Available", vbCritical
requestID = ReceiptRequest![Trans_ID]
emailto = ReceiptRequest![email]
where = "[email] IS NULL"
If Not IsNull(ReceiptRequest![email]) Then
where = "Trans_ID = " & ReceiptRequest![Trans_ID] & ""
End If
strdocname = "ReceiptRequestReport"
subject = "MSDSonline Receipt"
msg = "Attached is a receipt per your request."
DoCmd.OpenReport strdocname, acViewPreview, "", where
If Not IsNull(ReceiptRequest![email]) Then
msg = msg
End If
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, strdocname, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", emailto, "", "", subject, msg, True, ""
'DoCmd.SendObject acReport, strdocname, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", emailto, , , subject, msg, True
DoCmd.Close acReport, strdocname, acSaveNo
End If
End If
End Sub
Since I already have the ReceiptRequest recordset do I go about updating a field in that particular record in that recordset programatically?
I have tried running an SQL UPDATE statement on the recordset and then tried the orginal table but doesn't work.
Not sure...please help!
Private Sub Command7_Click()
strsql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM tbl_AutoReceiptRequest WHERE DateAutoReceiptSent is null;"
Set ReceiptRequest = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strsql)
If Not ReceiptRequest.BOF And Not ReceiptRequest.EOF Then
While Not ReceiptRequest.EOF
emailto = ""
If (IsNull(ReceiptRequest!)) Or (ReceiptRequest![email] = "TBD") Then
MsgBox "No Email Address Available", vbCritical
requestID = ReceiptRequest![Trans_ID]
emailto = ReceiptRequest![email]
where = "[email] IS NULL"
If Not IsNull(ReceiptRequest![email]) Then
where = "Trans_ID = " & ReceiptRequest![Trans_ID] & ""
End If
strdocname = "ReceiptRequestReport"
subject = "MSDSonline Receipt"
msg = "Attached is a receipt per your request."
DoCmd.OpenReport strdocname, acViewPreview, "", where
If Not IsNull(ReceiptRequest![email]) Then
msg = msg
End If
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, strdocname, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", emailto, "", "", subject, msg, True, ""
'DoCmd.SendObject acReport, strdocname, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", emailto, , , subject, msg, True
DoCmd.Close acReport, strdocname, acSaveNo
End If
End If
End Sub