I'm using the script below to update a record when the page loads to indicate if the user is logged on and the time they logged on. but i keep getting error messages on the 'objComm.Execute()' line. Im using the same script in the Global.Asa to update a users status but this never works on logout.
Dim objComm
Set objComm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
objComm.ActiveConnection = MM_connChat_STRING
objComm.CommandText="UPDATE Members SET LoggedIn = 'Yes', LastLoginDate = '" + Replace(LoginDate, "'", "''" + "'" "WHERE Username = '" + Replace(rsEdit__MMColParam, "'", "''" + "'"
Set objComm = Nothing
Dim objComm
Set objComm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
objComm.ActiveConnection = MM_connChat_STRING
objComm.CommandText="UPDATE Members SET LoggedIn = 'Yes', LastLoginDate = '" + Replace(LoginDate, "'", "''" + "'" "WHERE Username = '" + Replace(rsEdit__MMColParam, "'", "''" + "'"
Set objComm = Nothing