I have two tables, one keeps the main info the second has maintenance info regarding the main. I created an update query to update table 1 with table 2's revised dates, there are two dates, this works fine until one of two dates does not need to be updated or changed. The query will overwrite a value in table 1 with a null value (empty cell)from table 2. I'm sure there is a simple solution to this.....
Thank you
UPDATE tblLevelA RIGHT JOIN tblLevelAMaintenance ON tblLevelA.ManufacturerSerial = tblLevelAMaintenance.ManufacturerSerial SET tblLevelA.TestDate = tblLevelAMaintenance.PressureVisual, tblLevelA.ValveReplacement = tblLevelAMaintenance.ValveReplacement
WHERE (((tblLevelAMaintenance.DateofTest)=Date()));
Thank you
UPDATE tblLevelA RIGHT JOIN tblLevelAMaintenance ON tblLevelA.ManufacturerSerial = tblLevelAMaintenance.ManufacturerSerial SET tblLevelA.TestDate = tblLevelAMaintenance.PressureVisual, tblLevelA.ValveReplacement = tblLevelAMaintenance.ValveReplacement
WHERE (((tblLevelAMaintenance.DateofTest)=Date()));