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Update Joined Tables

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Apr 26, 2004
I have a dataadapter that joins two tables with and inner join. Because of this I can't use commandbuilder to build my update, insert, and delete commands. I've built the following update command, but get a dbconcurrency error when the da.update(dataset) is executed. Help.

I know the dataset has changes because I have a messagebox that fires if dataset.haschanges = true.

 cmdSalesRepUpdate = New SqlCommand("UPDATE SalesRep set ProspectID=@ProspectID, " & _
        "SalesRepID=@SalesRepID, CallBackDate=@CallBackDate, ActionCode=@ActionCode FROM SalesRep INNER JOIN " & _
        "SalesReps on SalesRep.SalesRepID = SalesReps.SalesRepID WHERE CallBackDate = @oldCallBackDate", SqlConnection1)

        Dim parm As SqlParameter

        cmdSalesRepUpdate.Parameters.Add("@ProspectID", SqlDbType.BigInt, 8, "ProspectID")
        cmdSalesRepUpdate.Parameters.Add("@SalesRepID", SqlDbType.Char, 10, "SalesRepID")
        cmdSalesRepUpdate.Parameters.Add("@CallBackDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8, "CallBackDate")
        cmdSalesRepUpdate.Parameters.Add("@ActionCode", SqlDbType.Char, 2, "ActionCode")
        parm = cmdSalesRepUpdate.Parameters.Add("@oldCallBackDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8, "CallbackDate")
        parm.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original
        daSalesRep.UpdateCommand = cmdSalesRepUpdate
Is any of your fields keys to the table...
salesrepid is key to salesreps repkey is key to salesrep.
Additional info-
I just realized that I only get this error if the CallBackDate field in the database is null before I make a change to it.
The textbox is bound using
I found a workaround for this now. Changed update command statement to
" ...WHERE CallBackDate = @oldCallBackDate or @oldCallBackDate is null"
That didn't work. I still need help with this.
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Part and Inventory Search

