Hi im trying to updat an Access Db table (tasking)using a button.
It does work if im updating a text field but not when Im updating a true/false field. The code that im stuck on is "&update=true". This will place the text "true" into a text field but wont change the conditon in the True/False field
Head >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<% If Request.QueryString("update") <> "" Then %>
strConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnn.Open strConnectionString
strSQL = "UPDATE tasking SET tasking.advis = '"&(Request.QueryString("update"))&"' WHERE taskID = "&(Request.QueryString("taskID"))&""
cnn.Execute strSQL,,adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
<A href="solvetask.asp?taskID=<%=(openlist.Fields.Item("taskID").Value)%>&update=true"><img src="../images/icons/buttons/t_yes.gif" width="20" height="14" border="0"></A>
Any Ideas ?
It does work if im updating a text field but not when Im updating a true/false field. The code that im stuck on is "&update=true". This will place the text "true" into a text field but wont change the conditon in the True/False field
Head >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<% If Request.QueryString("update") <> "" Then %>
strConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnn.Open strConnectionString
strSQL = "UPDATE tasking SET tasking.advis = '"&(Request.QueryString("update"))&"' WHERE taskID = "&(Request.QueryString("taskID"))&""
cnn.Execute strSQL,,adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
<A href="solvetask.asp?taskID=<%=(openlist.Fields.Item("taskID").Value)%>&update=true"><img src="../images/icons/buttons/t_yes.gif" width="20" height="14" border="0"></A>
Any Ideas ?