I come form the world of SQL 7 / 2000. I'm trying to run an undate command in DB2 ver 7 command center but I keep getting a mad error. My command is the following...
update admin.lja_split
set spl_pol_trans = '01'
where spl_fy = '02' and spl_campaign = '0083' and spl_split = '01'
I get the following error...
SQL0104N An unexpected token "lja_split" was found following "update admin.". Expected tokens may include "END-OF-STATEMENT". SQLSTATE=42601
I've had a look at the online help and my command follows the same syntax. I just can't get it. Any help would be much appreciated.
I come form the world of SQL 7 / 2000. I'm trying to run an undate command in DB2 ver 7 command center but I keep getting a mad error. My command is the following...
update admin.lja_split
set spl_pol_trans = '01'
where spl_fy = '02' and spl_campaign = '0083' and spl_split = '01'
I get the following error...
SQL0104N An unexpected token "lja_split" was found following "update admin.". Expected tokens may include "END-OF-STATEMENT". SQLSTATE=42601
I've had a look at the online help and my command follows the same syntax. I just can't get it. Any help would be much appreciated.